




Environmental Test Meter Plus

廠牌:Gray Wolf



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For over 20 years, GrayWolf’s highly advanced, professional indoor air quality (IAQ) meters and monitors have made proactive IAQ and green building surveys efficient, and easy to conduct.

  • Reliably measure key specific pollutants (VOCs, CO, O3, NO2, NH3, HCHO, etc.; choose from 25+ gas sensors), as well as Particulate, Ventilation Rates (CO2 and Airflow), Differential Pressure (DP) and more. High performance, fast response instrumentation for consistent use over portable, long-term and continuous IAQ testing applications.
  • Occupant wellness is rapidly gaining awareness as a win-win for occupant health and productivity, and for building owners’ bottom line.
  • COVID-19 has enhanced the need for measurement of ventilation rates, airflow, pollutant pathways and validation of fixed sensors for specific IAQ parameter monitoring in schools, hospitals, public buildings, workplaces, and other indoor facilities of all types.
  • GrayWolf IAQ meters, monitors and instruments optimize the balance between facility energy efficiency and occupant health, comfort and productivity.
  • Identify potential IAQ issues before they become problems and respond immediately to complaints with the highly accurate and most intuitive portable IAQ meters, monitors and testing devices available today.


The DirectSense II smart probes accommodate true plug & play sensors (up to 8 in a single probe), optimized for high-end, accurate measurements targeted for commercial, industrial, research, and institutional IAQ applications.

  • Multi-function
    • Simultaneous measurement of up to eight (8) key IAQ indicators with one probe; VOCs, CO2 (dilution ventilation), CO, O3, NO2, %RH, °C/°F plus an additional toxic gas sensor (from a broad choice of specific gases)
    • Optional particle concentration (PM 1.0, PM 2.5, PM 10, TSP plus 2 other size ranges)
    • With an added probe, concurrently measure up to six additional gases
    • Up to 4 GrayWolf probes, plus a particulate sensor and formaldehyde monitor, may be connected simultaneously to some platforms
    • Optional air velocity probes
    • Optional internal differential pressure sensor (to determine pollutant pathways) and/or barometric pressure sensor
  • Data Logging
    • Manual “snapshot” or automatic “trend” datalogging
    • Store enhanced survey information on-site; data plus text, audio notes, photos, videos, drawings and more…
  • Back-lit color display
    • Clearly displays numerous readings simultaneously; auto-scrolls
      for >8 parameters
    • Automatically updates as probes are plugged in
    • View data in tabular or graphic formats
  • Intelligent user interface
    • Extremely easy-to-use
    • Intuitive icons and drop-down menus
    • Screen prompts user through operation
  • On-board educational tools
    • Feature tips, video help files
    • IAQ info for each sensor: government & industry guidelines, health effects, typical background levels and more
    • IAQ reference documents pre-loaded as PDFs
    • Add your own procedures, docs and Word field forms for on-site use
  • Reporting
    • Download logged data and notes to WolfSense® PC software (included) for analysis and efficient, detailed reporting
    • Optional “Advanced Report Generator: IAQ Edition” software automates comprehensive IAQ report generation
    • Our optional GrayWolfLive™ cloud platform enables remote access to live and logged IAQ data, from one or multiple GrayWolf probes, on your smartphone or just about any internet connected device. View data as live readings, tables, gauges and/or graphs. Initiate reporting from afar and more. 
  • Accessories
    • Probe belt clip keeps sensors away from the influence of operators’ breath
    • Instrument/Mobile PC pouch for true hands-free operation
    • Hard-shell security case for protected trend logging and for transport
    • Optional user calibration kits, application specific software modules and much more…





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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