

MultiLog PRO 多功能液晶螢幕顯示數據資料蒐集記錄分析儀器

MultiLog PRO


The perfect combination between a graphic calculator and a data logger

廠牌:Fourier Systems/Israel



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多功能液晶螢幕顯示數據資料蒐集記錄分析儀器-行動條碼QR Code

An advanced tool for scientific research and exploration. Now with a graphic display, video and audio capabilities, the MultiLogPRO is setting new benchmarks in data logging solutions.

MultiLogPRO 攜帶型實驗數據蒐集記錄分析器可搭配多種不同的感應器從事 物理, 化學, 生物學實驗分析與學校教育實習, 配合 DB-Lab 應用軟體在視窗作業環境下進行繪圖, 處理與儲存. 


‧可應用 50種類以上的探測器及感應器 
‧教育用實習教材包含物理學, 生物學, 化學以及環境科學 
‧觀察, 編輯, 線上實驗記錄
‧測試數據可利用無線電頻率傳輸, 最遠傳輸距離100公尺以內 (該項為選擇配件)

MultiLogPRO 具備下列特殊功能:

‧反應快速靈活 --- 每秒鐘可存取 28,000 組實驗數據
‧結構輕巧實用 --- 儀器重量僅 450公克. 可連續使用 200小時, 可記憶 400,000 筆資料
‧操作步驟簡單 --- 只須三個動作 (1)選擇感應器, (2)選擇取樣時間, (3)按下啟動鍵 GO
‧適合教學實習 --- 我們可以提供教學實驗步驟教材包括物理, 化學, 生物學及環境科學
‧圖形顯示功能 --- 大型液晶顯示幕可數字顯示數據及曲線分析圖形
‧強大應用功能 --- 備有 50種以上的感應器可供選擇, 儀器可同時記錄八種不同的數據

Despite being so advanced, our customers tell us that the MultiLogPRO is so easy and intuitive to use that even newcomers find they can begin an experiment in minutes. It takes three easy steps to start data logging: first insert the sensor(s), then switch the logger "On", then press "Enter" to start. Experiment readings will immediately be displayed and recorded.

The MultiLogPRO has won tenders in Spain, Singapore, Mexico and the United States to name just a few of the 20,000 customers in more than 26 countries.

The MultiLogPRO is the perfect tool for "doing" scientific research and exploration. It helps students perform almost any kind of measurement using a variety of more that 50 sensors. This hand held portable data logger can be used both in the laboratory and in the field. Being able to take thousands of samples per second saves the time required to collect measurements from the experiment and leaves the student to deal with the data analysis. Analyzing the measurements is done using the MultiLab software offering a unique video module and more than 30 mathematical functions and graphical analysis tools. In the laboratory the MultiLogPRO can connect directly to the PC serial port working as an online fast interface. The MulitLogPRO with its huge memory is also the best choice for field activities in Biology and Environmental Sciences. Students can log data from up to 100 different experiments before having to download them to a PC.

Its known that learning should involve self-experimenting. It is also said that "what you hear you forget, what you see you remember and what you do you understand".


The MultiLogPRO can sample data as fast as 20,800 measurements per second (critical for electricity or sound experiments). Setting up an experiment using the MultiLogPRO takes seconds. Processing data is as easy as clicking a button. The MultiLogPRO replaces time consuming data collection tasks with the excitement of hands on scientific experience.

The MulitLogPRO runs either connected to the PC or as a stand alone device. Experiments can be set up using the keypad. The 450 grams MutliLogPRO can record 200 hours of data, and its memory holds more than 100,000 samples. An internal 7.2V rechargeable battery saves you the need for continuous battery replacement. Simply use the AC/DC adapter to charge the MulitLogPRO overnight. The MultiLogPRO allows you the freedom of experimenting where you want and when you want.

The MultiLogPRO connects to every PC, no need to add special cards or drivers. The MultiLogPRO automatically identifies the sensor and calibrates the offset, making the setting up of an experiment as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Connect the sensor
2. Select the sampling rate
3. And GO

Setting up the MultiLogPRO is done using a small "4-key" keypad. The icon based menu is clear, simple and very similar to PDA organizers.

The MultiLogPRO system includes 50 sensors for various scientific users. It can record data from up to 8 different sensors at the same time. It is the only data collection and processing tool you need for Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science education.

Graphic Display
Use the MultiLogPRO graphic display to see online data via various displays including meters, tables and graphs. You can analyze the collected data by placing markers on the graphic window and take accurate measurements. The system allows you to "re-play" stored data and even to read notes about the experiment.





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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