

SensoDirect 200 拉維邦攜帶型水質測定器,

SensoDirect 200


Hand-Held Water Quality Measurement




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拉維邦攜帶型水質測定器,-行動條碼QR Code

* Drinking Water
* Cooling/Boiler Water
* Waste Water
* Pool Water
* Surface Water
* Water Treatment Companies
* Industrial and Governmental

Lovibond® Electrodes/Measuring Probes

A wide variety of high-quality electrodes and measuring probes for the SensoDirect meters make the units suitable for almost any application in industry and research.

Single-rod measuring chains made of glass and plastic, with gel or liquid electrolyte, as well as various temperature sensors (NTC 30kOhm, Pt1000) are considered standard for modern pH meters.

Redox electrodes made of plastic with gel electrolyte and platinum tip are hardwearing and easy to use. The amperometric, diaphragm-covered oxygen sensor with integrated NTC allows instant measurement without the need for time-consuming polarisation.

The sturdy conductivity measuring cell with two graphite electrodes is ideal for use in the field of service and waste water analysis.

Compact, hand-held pH meters, SensoDirect pH200

* pH / redox measurement and temperature measurement (Pt1000 or NTC
* Automatic temperature compensation (ATC)
* Auto Hold function
* Internal memory for 20 data sets
* Automatic buffer recognition
* 1, 2 and 3 point calibration
* Low bat and battery change indicator
* Sensor evaluation in the display

The new microprocessor-controlled SensoDirect hand-held meter range from Lovibond® meets the day-to-day demands on sturdy and reliable systems for the measurement of pH or redox, conductivity/TDS and dissolved oxygen.

The water-tight housing in compliance with IP67 and equipped as standard with protective armouring ensures reliable operation even in extreme ambient conditions. The support can be flipped up to hang the meter on pipes or branches.

The direct, convenient and easy-to-understand user prompt with the required configuration options for all three systems facilitates the use of the meters both outdoors and in the lab.

The automatic Hold function "Freezes" stable measuring data in the display and indicates to the user the presence of stable and reproducible results.

The internal memory permits storage of 20 data sets to facilitate subsequent evaluation. The integral auto switch-off feature that can be set from 1 to 120 minutes, increases the operating life of the units.
The power consumption of all three unit versions has been reduced to a minimum. As a result, the 4 x 1.5 V integrated batteries are good for an operating life of up to 10,000 hours, depending on the unit version.

Compact, hand-held Conductivity meters,
SensoDirect Con200

* Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), salinity and temperature measurement
* Automatic temperature compensation (ATC)
* Min/Max value storage
* Internal memory for 20 data sets
* Linear and non-linear temperature compensation (EN27888)
* Calibration against standard solutions
* Low bat and battery change indicator

Compact, hand-held Dissolved Oxygen meters,
SensoDirect Oxi200

* Oxygen partial pressure, oxygen concentration, oxygen saturation and temperature
* Automatic absolute air pressure measurement
* Auto Hold function
* Easy calibration against the oxygen in the air
* Self-polarising oxygen probe, allows instant measurement after the system is
  switched on.
* Low bat and battery change indicator
* Sensor evaluation in the display





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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