最高溫度: 1100, 1200, 1280°C. 內部容量: 1700 公升 內部尺寸: Ø200 x L2000 mm. (R200/2000/11) Ø360 x L2400 mm. (R360/2400/12) Ø200 x L1800 mm. (R200/1800/12) Ø600 x L2500 mm. (R600/2500/12)
max. Temp.: 1100, 1200, 1280 °C
Nabertherm produces special tube furnaces to meet customer specifications for tempering long rods or tubes of glass or silica glass, or for mounting in continuous glass drawing facilities.
最高溫度: 1100, 1300, 1500°C. 內部尺寸: Ø30 ~ 50 mm. x L200 ~ 250 mm.
max. Temp.: 1100, 1300, 1500 °C
These compact tube furnaces are used to enable laboratory experiments to be barried out in either a horizontal or vertical position or at a particular angle.