Whatman® glass microfiber filters, Grade GF/A
sheets, W × L 460 mm × 570 mm, pack of 25
- Whatman™ Grade GF/A Glass Microfiber Filter; Retention: 1.6µm
- Fine particle retention; high flow rate; good loading capacity; used for high efficiency general purpose laboratory filtration
- Uses include water pollution monitoring of effluents - water filtration - algae and bacteria cultures - foodstuff analyses - protein filtration - radioimmunoassay of weak ß emitters
- Recommended for gravimetric determination of airborne particulates - stack sampling and absorption methods of air pollution monitoring. Binder-Free Filters
- Pack of 100
- Manufacturer: Whatman/GE Healthcare
Whatman 玻璃纖維濾紙(Glass Microfiber Filters)
Grade GF/A:用於一般高效能的實驗過濾, 空污監測,污水排放監測,或者是蛋白質沉澱過濾,細菌培養
Grade GF/B:適用於過濾含有大量微細粒子的液體或定量分析用
Grade GF/C:很多國家的環保法規用來當做測定水中懸浮固體的標準濾紙,其他可用於細胞收集,液晶閃爍計數
Grade GF/D:用於一般高效能的實驗過濾, 空污監測,污水排放監測,或者是蛋白質沉澱過濾,細菌培養