

SP-2A 徐冷點及應變點試驗



Annealing & Strain Point, (ASTM C-336 - Fiber)




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The Orton Model SP-2A-DAS has been designed to automatically monitor the elongation of a loaded sample fiber and calculate the annealing and strain points according to the ASTM C-336 (Method A). Changes in the annealing and strain point temperatures can be used as an indication of changes in batch chemistry from raw material changes or batching errors.

Automatic Annealing and Strain Point Determination
 It takes 20 minutes to measure the Annealing and Strain Points of a glass fiber. It's simple. After the test fiber is pulled to meet the ASTM specified dimensions, the operator simply places the fiber into the preheated furnace, applies the weight, pushes the START button, and walks away. The system does the rest. The operator is free to perform other tasks. Twenty minutes later, the operator returns and reads the annealing point temperature on the display panel. It's that easy. The SP-2A-DAS automatically calculates the rate of elongation and displays the annealing point temperature which eliminates operator differences, judgements, and errors. If an independent computer system is connected to the SP-2A-DAS, both the annealing and strain point temperatures are calculated and displyed on the computer's monitor. The system automatically measures and records the rate of elongation and applies non-arbitrary mathematical algorithms to extrapolate the strain point temperature so operator differences, interpretations, judgments, and errors are eliminated. The Model SP-2A-DAS is a FAST, EASY, ACCURATE, RELIABLE, and REPRODUCIBLE method for QC checks on batch chemistry changes.

This system is comprised of the ASTM specified furnace to heat the fiber; the Orton PID controller to operate the furnace according to the ASTM C336 thermal cycle, sample support system with sample load rod and weight, an LVDT system to continuously monitor the fiber elongation, the Orton on board computer with internal logic to determine the annealing point, digital display panel for displaying the annealing point temperature, and software for an independent computer (provided by the purchaser).

The system is initially heated to an equilibrium soak temperature 25°C below the expected annealing point, and waits for the next test. After the fiber is inserted and the weight applied, the START button is pushed and the Orton controller heats the furnace at 5ºC per minute. The temperature and LVDT signals of the elongating fiber are captured by the controller's on board computer, where the elongation rate is calculated and monitored. Once the elongation rate exceeds 0.60 millimeters per minute, the Orton controller cools the furnace at 4°C per minute. While the furnace is cooling, the temperature and LVDT signals are captured by the controller's on board computer for storage. Once the elongation rate falls below 0.10 millimeters per minute, the test is concluded and the annealing point temperature (elongation rate of 0.14 millimeters / minute) is displayed on the console display until the system is reset. The furnace automatically cools to the soak temperature in about 15 minutes, and is ready for the next test. The on board computer can store data for up to 10 tests.

If desired, a separate, independent computer system (not included) can be connected to the Orton controller console via a RS232 port for real time monitoring and analysis. During the test the fiber elongation rate, time, and temperature are displayed on the monitor and stored on the hard drive in a text file. At the conclusion of the test, the software automatically and immediately calculates the annealing point temperature (elongation rate of 0.14 millimeters / minute) and the extrapolated strain point temperature (elongation rate 0.0316 times the annealing point rate, or 0.004424 millimeters / minute) according to the ASTM C336 algorithms.

Or, if preferred, a separate, independent computer system (not included) can be connected to the Orton controller console via a RS232 port after the test is concluded. The data stored by the Orton on board computer is transferred to the independent computer's hard drive in text file format for later independent review, analysis, or permanent storage.


Model SP-2A-DAS Specifications / 玻璃徐冷點及應變點試驗儀器 技術規格:

Sample Size 508 mm long by 0.65 mm diameter (per ASTM C336)
Maximum Temperature 800°C
Heating Element Kanthal A-1
Temperature Control System PID - Automatic
Elongation Tracking System LVDT - Automatic
Data Acquisition & Display Automatic
Power Requirements 120 VAC, 15 amp, 50/60 Hz (240 VAC available as an option)
Measuring Unit Dimensions 12” Wide x 12” Deep x 32” Tall (305 x 305 x 815 mm)
Controller Dimensions 13” Wide x 12” Deep x 7” Tall (330 x 305 x 180 mm)

*Descriptions & specifications are subject to change without notice

  下載本目錄文件請使用 PDF 檔案程式
The Model SP-2A-DAS Brochure  is available for immediate downloading in a PDF format (598 KB).

Manual Annealing and Strain Point Measurement Instruments
Model SP-2A System
This is the original system to manually perform the measurements. The temperature of the ASTM specified furnace is controlled manually with a Variac. Using a telemicroscope mounted on an independent stand, the operator manually observes the fiber elongation against an independently supported scale, and manually records that elongation along with the temperature. The operator manually plots the data points and picks the annealing and strain point temperatures from the graph.

Model SP-2A-LVDT System
This is a modified version of the original SP-2A design. It uses an LVDT attached to the bottom of the fiber to sense the elongation. The telemicroscope and scales are not required. The operator manually records the LVDT readings and temperatures, and plots the data on a graph to pick the annealing and strain point temperatures from that graph.

Manual SP-2A Series Specifications
  Model SP-2A Model SP-2A-DM
Sample Size 508 mm long by 0.65 mm diameter (per ASTM C336) 508 mm long by 0.65 mm diameter (per ASTM C336)
Maximum Temperature 800°C 800°C
Heating Element Kanthal A-1 Kanthal A-1
Temperature Control System Manual (Variac) Manual (Variac)
Elongation Tracking System Manual, Optical and Scale Manual, LVDT and Digital Display
Data Acquisition Manual Manual
Power Requirements 120 VAC, 10 amp, 50/60 Hz 
(240 VAC available)
120 VAC, 10 amp, 50/60 Hz 
(240 VAC available)





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