

Transition Point 玻璃轉移點試驗

Transition Point


Transition Point - Dilatometer (ASTM E-228)




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The Orton DIL 2010 STD is a standard bench top, horizontal, digital dilatometer that measures the expansion and softening characteristics of a glass specimen from room temperature up to 1,000°C. The Orton software quickly and easily finds the glass transition point (Tg) and the approximated softening point (Ts). By specifying the temperatures, or range of temperatures, the software quickly and easily calculates the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) or alpha (a).

The Model DIL 2010 STD comes complete with a Kanthal wound tube furnace, Type S sample/control thermocouple, adjustable contact pressure and a precision LVDT. The fused quartz sample holder and push rod accommodate samples up to 50 mm long (2") and 20 mm (3/4") cross section. The thermal cycle of the furnace is controlled by the user friendly Orton PID Control System and data is stored on the onboard computer.

After the test is run, the data can be downloaded via a RS 232 serial connection to a user supplied computer system. Or if desired, the user supplied computer system can be connected to the Orton controller via the RS 232 serial port for real time test monitoring.

Intuitive, easy-to-use Windows® 95/98/00 based analysis software is provided. The PC can receive up to 32,000 data points (time/temperature/percent linear change) for extremely long runs. Data from up to six runs can be compared. Data can be printed graphically or in tabular form or exported as an ASCII file.

Software features include comparisons against temperature or time; zoom into part of the curve; and examine percent linear change, differential or average coefficient of expansion, calculation of transition and softening point temperatures, a-b quartz transition temperature and coefficient of expansion calculation for any temperature range.

The system is calibrated at Orton with a standard alumina reference sample and calibration file provided. 120 VAC, 15 amp, 50/60 hertz power is required. Options include: atmosphere or vacuum testing, water-cooled head measuring head panel, over-temperature protection, exchangeable furnace and 240 VAC option.

Typical Specifications:

Temperature Range RT to 1,000°C
Sample Size - Max. Length 50 mm
Sample Size - Max. Diameter 20 mm
Probe Rod Contact Pressure > 4 g (adjustable)
Sample Holder/Probe Rod Fused Quartz
Sample/Control Thermocouple Type "S"
LVDT Linear Range ± 2.54 mm
LVDT Linearity 0.10% of output over 50% of nominal range
LVDT Linearity 0.25% of output over the full nominal range
Furnace and Heating Element Tube - Kanthal wire
Power requirement 120 VAC, 15 amp, 50/60 Hz

Controller Specifications:

Programable Segments 20
Heating Rates up to 30°C/minute
Softening Point/Melting Protection User definable

* Descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice (rev.11.26.02)

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