

GenOx HCOG1 大容量氮氣體產生器



High Capacity Nitrogen Generators




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Labgas GenOx Oxygen Generators

Labgas GenOx series of industrial oxygen generators produce constant flow high purity oxygen, for industrial applications.

Ambient air is compressed in an air-cooled compressor, and put through a dryer and filters for removal of water and oil. Compressed air then flows through the carbon molecular sieve (CMS) inside the adsorber beds where nitrogen, carbon dioxide, moisture and some hydrocarbons are adsorbed and a stream of clean, dry, high purity oxygen gas leaves the adsorber bed. During adsorption in one bed, the second bed is regenerated by depressurization to ambient pressure. The technology is called pressure swing adsorbtion (PSA). The adsorption / desorption cycle is controlled by a microprocessor. Oxygen flow and purity is preset during test operation prior to shipment of the unit.

  • cost effective on-site gasgeneration
  • latest PSA technology with Carbon Molecular Sieve
  • microprocessor controlled automatic operation
  • low maintenance requirement system
  • system delivered pretested and tuned for operation


Technical Specifications
Model GenOx  HCOG1 GenOx  HCOG2 GenOx  HCOG3
Width mm 600 700 600
Depth mm 380 400 400
Height mm 1000 1400 1600
Weight kg 60 80 100
Max Dust Particle Size µm 15
Noise Level During regeneration Period db 50
Flow L / HRS 1000 2000 3000
Oxygen Purity With Max Flow 93,3% +/- 3%
Inlet Air Requirements Dew Point + 4*C
Inlet / Outlet Max Pressure barg 5 / 3,5
Power Rating For Control Unit  W 100
In/Out connections, Compression Fittings 12 mm / 8 mm Cu

230 V / 50 Hz or 110 V / 60 Hz

Power Consumption

1,2 kW / Produced Nm3 O2

Labgas GenNit Nitrogen Generators

Labgas GenNit series of nitrogen generators produce constant flow high purity nitrogen, for industrial applications.

Ambient air is compressed in an air-cooled compressor, and put through a dryer and filters for removal of water and oil. The compressor can be either integrated, inbuilt into the generator, or as a separate part. Compressed air then flows through the carbon molecular sieve (CMS) inside the adsorber beds where oxygen, carbon dioxide, moisture and some hydrocarbons are adsorbed asd a stream of clean, dry, high purity nitrogen gas leaves the adsorber bed. During regeneration period the adsorber beds are being depressurized to ambient pressure, and nitrogen is taken from the storagde tank. This technology is called pressure swing adsobtion (PSA). The adsorption/desorption cycle is controlled by a micro processor system. Nitrogen flow and purity is preset during test operation prior to shipment of the system. The nitrogen produced conforms to ISO specs.

  • cost effective on-site gasgeneration
  • latest PSA technology with Carbon Molecular Sieve
  • microprocessor controlled automatic operation
  • low maintenance requirement system
  • system delivered pretested and tuned for operation






OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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