

Cheminert low pressure va 低壓閥

Cheminert low pressure va


Cheminert low pressure valves





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Cheminert low pressure valves

  Valves with:   Model No. 
      Integrated motor (OEM) C62
      Valco ZDV fittings – 1/16” C22Z
      1/4-28 fitting details for 1/16” tubing  C22
      1/4-28 fitting details for 1/8” tubing C22
      1/2-20 fitting details for 1/4” tubing C42
  Internal sample injectors with:
      Valco ZDV fittings – 1/16” C24Z
      1/4-28 fitting details for 1/16” tubing  C24



Model C62 Integrated Motor/Valve

C52 integrated motor/injector

For OEM applications only

  0.75 mm (0.030") or
      1.50 mm ports (.060")  
  4, 6, 8, or 10 ports
  1/16" or 1/8" 1/4-28 or
      1/16" Valco ZDV fittings
  50°C max, 100 psi gas/250 psi liq  
  PPS stator, Valcon E2 rotor

Cheminerts new C62 series liquid handling valve is our first integrated motor/valve assembly designed specifically to be built into an OEM system. Using the well-proven Cheminert LC valve design and the 24 volt motor from our popular microelectric actuators, the C62 needs only to be connected to the instruments power supply.

Control is simplified to require a single contact closure; the injectors position is determined by whether the closure is held high or low. Theres even an easy way for the instrument to confirm the valves position by sensing the output from a built-in sensor.

In the default control mode, a contact closure moves the valve from Position A to Position B, where it remains until the contact is broken. A simple jumper change shifts the mode to dual contact closure, in which one contact closure shifts the injector to inject and a second is required to shift it back to load. Jumper settings can also be modified to change the motors degree of rotation so it can be used with any of the valve models available.

All these features are built into a compact and lightweight package, available in 4, 6, 8, and 10 port configurations, with a choice of fittings.

Product numbers

For specific product numbers, select a valve specification below.

 Specs   No. of ports   Fittings   Port size   
 50°C max
 100 psi gas/
    250 psi liquid
 PPS stator
 Valcon E2 rotor  
 4, 6, 8, and 10   Flangeless 1/4-28
    for 1/16" tubing
 0.75 mm
 Flangeless 1/4-28  
    for 1/8" tubing
 1.50 mm
 1/16" Valco ZDV  0.75 mm

Further reference

Properties of stator metals
Properties of stator metals and polymers
Properties of rotor materials
Sample loops for C62 valves (1/4-28 flangeless fittings)
Sample loops for C62Z valves (Valco ZDV fittings)

Model C62 with 1/4-28 flangeless fittings for 1/16" tubing
PPS stator - Valcon E2 rotor - .75 mm (.030") ports

 Description  Product No. 
 4 port  With motor, sensor, and controller  C62-3184I
 With motor and sensor only  C62-3184I-S
6 port  OEMs call  for pricing  






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