

CF-Filters & spargers 《恆奕》移動相過濾器 過濾器 氣體擴散器 注入分析《VICI》

CF-Filters & spargers

《恆奕》移動相過濾器 過濾器 氣體擴散器 注入分析《VICI》

Filters, Mobile Phase, FIA Filters




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《恆奕》移動相過濾器 過濾器 氣體擴散器 注入分析《VICI》-行動條碼QR Code

The Last Drop filter/sparger combines filtration and sparging in a single unit. The PTFE housing contains a mobile phase filter with either a stainless steel or a PTFE 2.5 micron filter element.

The filter/sparger features a PEEK tripod connector which slips into 1.5, 2.2, or 3.5 mm ID solvent lines, and a nut and ferrule for the sparging line.

Description Filter element Product No.
Last Drop filter/sparger
  2.5 µm filter
  10 µm sparger
PTFE JR-9000-0602
Stainless steel JR-9000-0640

The Last Drop mobile phase filter allows more analyses per batch of mobile phase and helps reduce hazardous waste. The flat filter element sits parallel to the bottom of the reservoir, allowing the Last Drop to filter all but the last 2% of the mobile phase from the reservoir without drawing air into the system. Compare this with conventional cylindrical filters that can begin to draw air into the system when nearly 10% of the solvent remains in the reservoir.

The Last Drop mobile phase filter consists of a 316 stainless or PTFE 2.5 µm filter element pressed into an inert PTFE housing. The top of the housing has a PEEK tripod which slips into 1.5, 2.2, or 3.5 mm ID pump inlet lines. It will also work with our 1/16" and 1/8" flangeless fittings.

Description Filter element Product No.
Last Drop filter, 2.5 µm PTFE JR-9000-0520
Stainless steel JR-9000-0530

Stainless steel in the flowpath is not acceptable in a growing number of applications involving the separation of biomolecules. High salt buffers can corrode stainless steel, and the metal ions released from metallic filters may contaminate or otherwise react with the biomolecules of interest.

The No-Met polyethylene filter is designed for these applications, with inert polymeric fittings for 1/8" tubing and a 20 µm filter effectively eliminating metal contamination from the fluid path. Use them for IC and biochromatography applications.

No-Met filters can be used at flow rates up to 500 ml/min, measured with methanol/water (1:1), ultrasonically degassed. Flow rates can vary with solvent and tubing ID.

Description Product No.
No-Met mobile phase filter, 1/8" JR-32178
Replacement element JR-32179

Mobile phase filters protect your HPLC system from small particles in the mobile phase. These filters are made from 316 stainless and PEEK or PTFE, and are suitable for use with most solvents.

Helium spargers offer an inexpensive way to prepare and maintain mobile phases free of dissolved gases. Connect these spargers to a regulated supply of helium gas (0-400 ml/min) to remove dissolved gases from the mobile phase. Spargers are made from 10 micron porosity stainless steel.

Tubing OD Porosity Max. flow rate* Product No.
1/16" 2 µm 35 ml/min JR-367016-2
10 µm 35 ml/min JR-367016-10
20 µm 35 ml/min JR-367016-20
1/8" 2 µm 35 ml/min JR-367008-2
10 µm 100 ml/min JR-367008-10
20 µm 120 ml/min JR-367008-20

* Flow rates measured with methanol/water (1:1), ultrasonically degassed.
Flow rates can vary with solvent and tubing ID.

Cheminert mobile phase filters provide point-of-use filtering of common HPLC or FIA solvents. They are designed to connect directly to 1/8" OD PTFE or PEEK tubing using a simple press fit. The filter housing is PTFE and includes a 2 or 10 micron titanium frit.

Pore size Product No.
2 micron C-MPFTI2
10 micron C-MPFTI10

These high density polyethylene reservoirs for in-line solvent use come with polypropylene caps, 1/4-28 flangeless fittings, and 1/8" PTFE tubes for one or two lines plus vent. Plugs are included for conversion to solvent storage when the reservoir is removed from the system.

Capacity Cap Product No.
0.5 liter 2-hole C-MPR2
3-hole C-MPR3
Plain C-BOT16
1.0 liter Plain C-BOT32

The VICI-cap is the most economical way to helium sparge and deliver HPLC mobile phases. The insert is manufactured from PTFE with an EPDM* O-ring and a polypropylene screw cap.

The VICI-cap is available for either GL45 or S40 threaded bottles. It has a 1/4-28 female port and three ports for tubing insertion: two 1/8" tubing ports and a 1/16" tubing port. The tubing ports are made so that you push the tubing through the hole, while 1/4-28 fittings provide the best connection. Unused ports can be plugged as required.

* Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

Thread type Product No.
GL-45 JR-9000-0001
S40 JR-9000-0006
Prod No Cap / thread size A L





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WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
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