

A57177 pH Electrodes 電極


pH Electrodes 電極

pH Electrodes

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Electrode Types

General Purpose pH Electrodes

General Purpose Electrodes - Overview 1 of 3 - Product Grouping Pages

For general purpose pH measurements. Features 1 m long integrated cable with BNC connector. Electrodes with epoxy body have a protective design in which body extends over glass bulb measuring surface. Uses storage and filling solution A60217.

Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Diameter Length
A57177 Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 80°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57186 Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57181 Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Glass 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57180 Semi-Micro, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 80°C Epoxy 6 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57187 Semi-Micro, Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Epoxy 6 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57183 Semi-Micro, Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Glass 6 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57179 Flask, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 80°C Epoxy 9.5 (mm) 300 (mm)
A57182 Flask, Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Glass 9.5 (mm) 300 (mm)

Calomel pHree Electrodes for Biological Applications [Top]

Calomel - Overview 1 of 1 - Product Model Page Calomel pHree electrodes for biological applications are a mercury-free alternative to traditional calomel electrodes. Electrodes have a silver-ion trap that effectively acts as a third junction to prevent contamination of sample and junction area of electrodes. Unique chemistry allows electrode to deliver comparable performance to calomel electrode, while creating fewer precautions for handling and disposal. Electrodes feature 1m long integrated cable with BNC connector. Electrodes with epoxy body have a protective design in which body extends over glass bulb measuring surface. Uses storage and filling solution A51713.
Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Diameter Length
A51705 Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A51706 Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Glass 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A51707 Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A51708 Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Glass 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A51711 Semi-Micro, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Epoxy 6 (mm) 150 (mm)
A51712 Semi-Micro, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Glass 6 (mm) 150 (mm)
A51709 Flask, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Epoxy 9.5 (mm) 300 (mm)
A51710 Flask, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 60°C Glass 9.5 (mm) 300 (mm)

3-in-1 & Temperature Probes [Top]

3-in-1 Probe

General Purpose Electrodes - Overview 2 of 3 - Product Grouping Pages

Combination gel-filled pH electrode with built-in automatic temperature compensation. Features 1m long integrated cable with BNC connector. Rugged epoxy body extends over glass bulb measuring surface for protection. Uses storage solution A60217.

Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Diameter Length
A57198 3-in-1, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 80°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)

Temperature Probe for Φ Series Meters

General Purpose Electrodes - Overview 3 of 3 - Product Grouping Pages

Temperature Probe designed for use with Beckman Coulter Φ Series meters.

Features 1m long integrated cable.



Part No. Description Diameter Temp. Range Body Material Length
A58722 Temperature Probe 6 (mm) 0 to 100°C Epoxy 150 (mm)

and Double Junction [Top]

Combination Double Junction Spear-Tipped pH electrode

Spear - Overview 1 of 1 - Product Grouping Page

For pH measurement in food and other samples, spear-tipped design with rugged epoxy body features 1 m long integrated cable with BNC connector. Uses storage and filling solution A60217.

Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Diameter Length
A57185 Double Junction, Gel-Filled, Spear-tipped 0 to 14 0 to 80°C Epoxy 9.5 (mm) 150 (mm)

Combination Double Junction Flat-Bulb pH Electrode

Spear - Overview 2 of 3 - Product Grouping Page

For pH measurement in thick or oily samples, or surface measurement of gels. Features 1 m long integrated cable with BNC connector. Uses storage solution A60217.

Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Diameter Length
A57184 Double Junction, Gel-Filled, Flat-Bulb 0 to 14 0 to 80°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)

Combination Double Junction pH Electrode

Spear - Overview 3 of 3 - Product Grouping Page

For pH measurement of sulfides, heavy metals, or other materials that interact with silver. Features 1 m long cable with BNC connector. Uses storage solution A60217.

Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Diameter Length
A57178 Double Junction, Gel-Filled 0 to 14 0 to 80°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)

Low Ionic Strength [Top]

Low Ionic - overview 1 of 1 - Product Grouping Page

For low ionic solutions with conductivity below 100 microsiemens, such as DI water. Features 1 m long integrated cable with BNC connector. Uses storage and filling solution A58729.

Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Diameter Length
A57195 Low Ionic Strength, Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57196 Low Ionic Strength, Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Glass 12 (mm) 150 (mm)

pHRESH with “flow on demand” [Top]

pHRESH with flow on demand

For pH measurement in highly viscous or “dirty” samples such as soil, sludges, or slurries. To prevent clogging, junction can be renewed after each use by simply pressing electrode cap to flush junction with filling solution. Ideal for use with TRIS buffers. Electrode with epoxy body has protective design where epoxy body extends over glass measurement bulb. Features 1 m long integrated cable with BNC connector.

Uses storage and filling solution 511469.

Part No. Description pH Range Temp. Range Body Material Junction Diameter Length
511110 Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Epoxy Ground Sleeve 12 (mm) 130 (mm)
511111 Refillable 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Glass Ground Sleeve 12 (mm) 125 (mm)

Indicating and Reference Electrodes [Top]

Indicating - Overview 1 of 1 - Product Grouping Page

For use when indicating element must physically be separated from reference element to reduce noise, or when a different reference element is needed to precisely match the sample being measured. All electrodes feature a 1 meter long integrated cable; indicating electrodes have BNC connector, reference electrodes have pin connector.

Calomel pHree Reference Electrodes use storage and filling solution A51713.

Ag/AgCl Reference Electrodes use storage and filling solution A60217.

Part No. Description pH
Diameter Length
A57188 Indicating Electrode (Measurement Half Cell) 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57189 Indicating Electrode (Measurement Half Cell) 0 to 14 0 to 100°C Glass 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57190 Reference, Gel-filled, Calomel pHree
0 to 60°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57192 Reference, Refillable, Calomel pHree
0 to 60°C Glass 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57193 Reference, Gel-Filled, Ag/AgCl
0 to 80°C Epoxy 12 (mm) 150 (mm)
A57194 Reference, Refillable, Ag/AgCl
0 to 100°C Glass 12 (mm) 150 (mm)





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