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Accessories 配件


廠牌:B&W Tek 必達泰克



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Accessories 配件

BAC100 / BAC102 Lab Grade Raman Probes  拉曼探頭

Our fiber optic lab grade Raman probes are compatible with 532nm or 785nm excitation wavelengths; custom wavelengths are also available. The Raman probe is suitable for laboratory, field, and select process applications/conditions and can sample materials such as liquids, powders, slurries, and solids. The BAC102 hand trigger is located on the probe head for convenient “point and click” acquisition that connects to a compatible Raman system. Standard data collection falls within 175cm-1 to the Rayleigh Line, though all of our fiber optic probes can be upgraded with an E-grade filter, enabling measurement of Raman peaks as close as 65cm-1 to the Rayleigh line. The innovative design uses state-of-the-art telecom packaging techniques and optimized optical lenses. Fiber ends feature FC/PC for excitation and SMA for collection.

BCR100A Cuvette Holder  試管架

The BRC100A provides Raman signal up to 3 times clearer than standard cuvette holders. Using an internal mirror with a three point precision locking mechanism, it achives unmatched reproducibility. The BCR100A can be used with any standard 12.5mm x 12.5mm size cuvette for liquid or powder sampling. High stability, repeatability, and enhanced Raman signal can be expected with the BCR100A.

BAC150 Raman Probe Holder  探頭座

The BAC150 Raman probe holder is compatible with any B&W Tek, Inc. Raman probe and delivers precision X, Y, and Z axis control with coarse and fine adjustment options. Adjustment of the Z-axis focuses the laser on the desired plane to maximize the Raman signal.

Software  軟體

TB&W Tek offers comprehensive software packages that provide solutions for all application needs. Powerful calculations, easy data management, and user friendly easy-to-follow work flow are all at the tips of your fingers. Built on the proven BWSpec™ platform, BWID™ is optimized for identification and verification of materials. For industrial Raman applications that require federal compliance: BWID™-Pharma supports all requirements for FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance.The most recent addition to B&W Tek’s software portfolio is BWIQ™ chemometrics software for use with the i-Raman® and other high resolution Raman products.BWIQ™ is a multivariate analysis software package which can analyze spectral data and discover internal relationships between spectra and response data or spectra and sample classes.

BAC101 Industrial Grade Raman Probe  工業級拉曼探頭

Our fiber optic industrial grade Raman probe is compatible with 532nm or 785nm excitation wavelengths; custom wavelengths are also available. This highly durable Raman probe is suitable for demanding laboratory, field, and select process applications/ conditions and can sample materials such as liquids, powders, slurries, and solids. Standard data collection falls within 175cm-1 to the Rayleigh Line with an optional E-grade filter available for collection within 65cm-1 to the Rayleigh Line. The innovative design uses state-of-the-art telecom packaging techniques and optimized optical lenses. Fiber ends feature FC/PC for excitation and SMA for collection.

BAC160 Liquid Sample Flow Cell  流動樣品台

This sampling device is designed for Raman on-line process monitoring and provides a sampling platform with high throughput and stability when used with a B&W Tek, Inc. lab grade or industrial grade Raman probe. Our flow cells are constructed using a choice of three different cell materials: 316 SS, titanium, or teflon. Window options include quartz or sapphire. A Kalrez® O-ring is used to create a chemically resistant sampling device. Custom cell materials and window construction are also available.

BAC151A Video Microscope Sampling System

The BAC151A Video Microscope Sampling System is compatible with all B&W Tek Inc. Raman probes and is designed with the highest level of flexibility. One port can be used with two different input laser wavelengths due to the optional dual laser wavelength configuration. The integrated camera facilitates precision Raman sampling through BWSpec™, which allows for laser beam tracking and image capturing.

Safety & Security  安全配備

B&W Tek, Inc. recommends the use of laser safety goggles for Raman spectrometer systems due to their Class IIIb lasers. Class IIIb lasers produce radiation that can cause damage to the eyes when viewed directly or indirectly.

For transporting your Raman system, rolling black suitcases with protective foam inserts are available.





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