
TriLink 三種操作介面平台數據資料蒐集器



A triple platform data logger

廠牌:Fourier Systems/Israel



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三種操作介面平台數據資料蒐集器-行動條碼QR Code

TriLink Bringing Sensor Science to the Palm of Your Hand

The TriLink is a triple-platform data logger, stand-alone, slot on to Palm™, or even connected to the PC and MAC. The TriLink is ideal for classroom mobility and outdoor experimenting. Data can be turned into graph form, analyzed, as well as exported to spreadsheets - all in the palm of the hand. Based on the MultiLog technologies, the TriLink carries all the same benefits plus more: USB communication, 12 bit resolution and 256K sample memory to name just some. The TriLink also works with nearly all of the MultiLog sensors, including leading sensors from other vendors.

"This offers a taste of the future. It puts powerful, yet easy-to-use sensor based science technology in the hands of learners at a fraction of the cost of other approaches".

TriLink gives you more:

‧More choice: This triple platform data logger works with PALM, PC or stand alone.
‧More Mobility: Palm based data loggers have the power of the computer but the mobility to measure and analyze data anywhere.
‧More Versatility: The TriLink can work with a wide variety of software, hardware and sensors, providing applications to suit all facets of teaching and learning.
‧And More for your Money:
‧By choosing a PALM computing platform you get lower maintenance costs with hardly any technical or support issues
‧For the price of one PC you can equip 6 groups of students with PALM PDAs

The benefits of the TriLink

‧Data logging with the power of a computer in your hand
‧Simultaneous collection of up to four types of data
‧Program the logger without connection to the PC
‧Sophisticated data analysis via the PALM™s large graphical display
‧Huge and powerful memory allowing for extended monitoring periods
‧High sample rate ensuring real time data measurements
‧High resolution
‧Aesthetic and compact

TriLink is the ideal solution for mobile, outdoor simultaneous data logging application in:

‧Food transportation
‧Air conditioning and Ventilation
‧Clean Room
‧Art Galleries





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