根據克蘭姆測試法 (KLEMM Method),此儀器為對吸水性較大的紙張及紙板進行吸水度評級。將試片的下端垂直放入水中浸泡,根據毛細現象讀取10分鐘內水份上升的高度值。
試樣尺寸:L20 x W2.5cm
尺規:0~200mm (最小刻度1mm)
水槽尺寸:364 x 76 x 60mm
機台尺寸: 42 x 25 x 49cm
機台重量: 12 kg
※ 做纖維試驗時要求試樣寬度25mm,水溫20±2℃。紙類試驗則要求試樣寬15mm,水溫23±1℃。本機沒有配置水溫調節控制功能,所以試驗前一定要事先確認好水溫。
This apparatus is suitable to estimate the water absorbability of water absorbent strong fibre products and paper products. Put the under-part of the test sample perpendicularly submerge in water, owing to capillarity, water will automatically rise, measure the rising height after 10 minutes, and read the graduated ruler mark. Textile test standard also called ‘Byreck method’, the paper standard called ‘Klemm method’.
For textile test, the sample’s width should be 25mm, and water temperature is 20±2℃. On the other hand, for paper test, the sample’s width should be 15mm, water temperature is 23±1℃.
This apparatus has no water temperature control function, so before the test, you need to confirm the water temperature.
Samle Number:8pcs
Sample size:L20 x W2.5cm
Scle:0~200mm (Division 1mm)
Trough:364 x 76 x 60mm
Dimension: 42 x 25 x 49cm
Weight: 12 kg