•Tiger 提供快速,正確的VOC偵測, 為市場上偵測範圍最廣的攜帶式VOC偵測儀, 儀器本身並不被現場濕度環境干擾
•反應時間:T90 <2秒
•操作溫度:-20℃ to 60℃
•操作溼度:相對濕度0 to 99% non condensing
•Tiger is the most advanced hand held VOC detector on the market with the widest measurement range, accurately detecting gases down to ultra low
ppb levels up to 20,000 ppm.
Range: 1 ppb - 20,000 ppm
•ACCURACY: ± 5% display reading ± one digit
RESPONSE TIME : T90 < 2 seconds
•TEMPERATURE Operating: -20 to 60 0C, -4 to 140 0F (non Intrinsically Safe)
•Humidity: 0-99% RH (non condensing)
•BATTERY LIFE : Li-ion life up to 24 hours continual use