廠牌:Fourier Systems/Israel
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‧單鍵操作只需執行設定與刪除兩個動作, 使用非常簡單.
‧資料處理, 訊號輸入或輸出至電腦以及活潑清晰的曲線圖顯示
EcoLog 具有的特點:
‧內置五種高品質感應器, 四種功能型式可供選擇:
ECL-1 型: 溫度, 光照強度, 噪音量
ECL-2 型: 溫度, 光照強度, 噪音量, 空氣壓力
ECL-3 型: 溫度, 光照強度, 噪音量, 相對濕度
ECL-4 型: 溫度, 光照強度, 噪音量, 空氣壓力, 相對濕度
‧蒐集數據間隔時間從二小時 ~ 10 秒鐘可設定
‧數據蒐集解析度為 8 bit (256 levels), 記憶容量 8K (16K 可選擇)
‧使用電源: 二個 1.5V AAA 電池
EcoLab 數據分析軟體程式 (Data Analysis Software)
EcoLabs 與視窗作業系統相容的軟體程式結合學術性的資料分析能力及合適的界面, 讓學生們都可
輕易操作與靈活運用. 利用數學運算功能及曲線圖型比對使資料處理更為順暢並易於瞭解.
EcoLab 數據分析軟體程式的特點:
‧在視窗作業系統 3.1x, 95, 98 及 NT 環境下運作
‧圖解方式的界面顯示曲線圖型, 計量器及表格
‧可以控制及接收來自 EcoLog 蒐集器
‧內藏式功能包含加減演算, 平均值. 也可以套用於 EXCEL 程式運作
內置式感應器 技術規格:
測試範圍: -10 to 40 °C
靈敏度: 0.33 °C
最大誤差度: < 1 °C
測試範圍: 800 to 1100 mBar.
靈敏度: 1.2 mBar.
最大誤差度: ±15 mBar.
測試範圍: 0 to 5000 lux.
靈敏度: 20 lux, 0.4%.
測試範圍: 0 to 100% RH
靈敏度: 0.7% RH
最大誤差度: ±5% up to 60% RH
測試範圍: 60 to 1087 dB
靈敏度: 1 dB
最大誤差度: ±3 dB
測試範圍: 0 to 5V
靈敏度: 19.5mV
絕緣阻抗: 1M OHM
The innovative portable data logger packing 5 built in sensors.
The portable environment data logger that mades even the youngest student understand science.
Record data from up to 7 different sensors in one pocket-sized device. With single key operation for simplified use - you just set it and forget it. The EcoLog can be left in the field for a month, or linked to a PC for real time recording. Data can be processed, imported and exported to the PC and displayed as vivid graphs.
Make sense of your surroundings
This powerful data logger packs five built in sensors into one pocket sized device and provides two additional sensor inputs supporting up to 14 external sensors.
Simply powerful
One-button operation makes EcoLog easy and friendly enough for even young children. High accuracy and reliability makes it also suitable or high schools, universities, scientific research and industrial applications
Portable and port-able
You can leave the battery operated EcoLog in its stand alone mode for up to 30 days, indoors or outdoors, or link it to your PC for on-line real-time data recording and display.
Ideas and explorations
A great companion for the EcoLog and EcoLab 3.0 software are the worksheets, containing simple and fun experiments. Enriched with drawings and graphs, this easy-to-read book provides a variety of visual and theoretical explanations, helping students understand ecological phenomena such as:
‧Heat insulation., Body Sweat
‧Greenhouse effect., Barometric pressure
‧Night dew., And many more...