
Aquafluor 手持式螢光計 / 濁度計


手持式螢光計 / 濁度計

Aquafluor™ Handheld Fluorometer/Turbidimeter




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手持式螢光計 / 濁度計-行動條碼QR Code
TURNER DESIGNS Aquafluor 是一 台輕巧經濟的手持型螢光儀/濁度儀, 它適合於在實驗室以外的快速測定需要.  雙頻道設計可以同時對一個樣品測定螢光值和濁度值.

共有三種型式可選: i) 活體葉綠素a / 濁度; ii) Rhodamine WT
/ 濁度; iii) 胺 / 萃取葉綠素a.
儀器體積雖小, 但 Aquafluor 在性能上毫不妥協, 是Turner Designs 公司經濟型螢光測定產品的代表.


‧靈  敏  度: 對於活體和萃取葉綠素a, Rhodamine WT 檢測下限到ppb級, 胺為 0.1 mM, 濁度為 0.5NTU.
‧專用雙頻道: 單鍵方便地切換兩種應用模式.
‧小巧緊湊: 靈活輕便, 可放入衣袋中, 儲藏時也很方便.
‧防水設計: 完全適合現場使用環境, 即使浸入水中也無妨.
‧方  便  性: 使用自帶的AAA型電池, 5 秒預熱即可使用.

活體葉綠素和濁度 (P/N 8000-001)
  - 葉綠素頻道
   激發: 460 ± 20 nm
   發射: >665 nm
  - 濁度頻道
   激發: 515 ± 10 nm
   發射: 515 ± 10 nm
  - 試管: 10 mm x 10 mm 塑膠試管

Rhodamine WT 和 濁度 (P/N 8000-002)
  - Rhodamine WT 頻道
   激發: 540 ± 20 nm
   發射: >570 nm
  - 濁度頻道
   激發: 515 ± 10 nm
   發射: 515 ± 10 nm
  - 試管: 10 mm x 10 mm 塑膠試管

胺和萃取葉綠素a (P/N 8000-007)
  - 胺頻道
   激發: 365 nm
   發射: >430 nm
  - 萃取葉綠素a 頻道
   激發: 430 nm
   發射: >665 nm
  - 試管: 12 mm x 75 mm 圓玻璃試管

固體輔助標準: 用於快速校準、穩定性和性能測試 (P/N 8000-950). 只適用於 8000-001和 8000-002 型號.
內置資料獲取器: 可用於微軟試算表軟體連接 (P/N 8000-920)
軟式攜帶箱: 可放置 Aquafluor 和吸液管, 試管等附件.

儀器尺寸: 4.45 x 8.9 x 18.4 釐米
儀器重量: 0.4 公斤
- 胺: 0.10 μM
- 萃取葉綠素: 0.50 μg/L
- 活體葉綠素: 0.30 μg/L
- Rhodamines WT: 0.04 ppb
- 濁度: 0.5 NTU

動態範圍: 3位數.
解  析  度: 12比特
溫度範圍: 5 ~ 40°C
預熱時間: 5秒鐘
檢  測  器: 光電二極體,測定範圍300 ~ 1000nm.
內置數據蒐集器: 1000個數據
使用電源: 4個AAA電池
每個AAA電池測定量: >1000次
按鍵退出時間: >無操作後90秒
校正類型: 單點和空白
報警功能: 低電, 線路故障, 高空白
維護項目: 清潔樣品室, 更換電池
LCD顯示: 2 x 16 字元
儀器外殼: 符合 IP67 標準, 防塵防水
標準規範: CE

An Overview
The Aquafluor™ is a lightweight, inexpensive, handheld fluorometer / turbidimeter. It is ideal for the user who needs quick measurements away from the laboratory. Its dual-channel capability allows the user to measure both fluorescence and turbidity in one sample.

Available in two versions, the primary channel can be factory-configured for either chlorophyll a or rhodamine WT. The secondary channel is configured for turbidity. While small in size, performance has not been compromised. The Aquafluor™ brings a new level of simplicity and economy to Turner Designs line of fluorescence instrumentation.

Features of the Aquafluor™
‧Sensitive: Can measure as low as 0.1 ppb in vivo chlorophyll a or rhodamine WT and 0.5 NTU turbidity.
‧Dedicated Dual Channels: The press of one button easily toggles between the two applications.
‧Compact: Small and lightweight, it easily slips into a shirt or jacket pocket and is easy to store when not in use.
Watertight Design: No need to worry when measuring samples in the field. It even floats!
‧Convenient: Uses AAA batteries (included), and with a 5-second warm up, the Aquafluor™ is ready any time.

‧Three decade dynamic range.

‧In vivo Chlorophyll and Turbidity (P/N 8000-001)
- Water quality monitoring
- Aquaculture
- Education
‧Rhodamine WT and Turbidity (P/N 8000-002)
- Leak Detection
- Dispersion
- Flow monitoring

Optional Features and AccessoriesThe Aquafluor is idea for quick measurements in the field.
‧Solid Secondary Standard: For quick and easy checks of calibration, stability, and performance.
‧Internal data logging package available with interfacing software to MicrosoftExcel.
‧Soft Travel Case: Accommodates the Aquafluor™ plus accessories such as a
pipette and cuvettes.

Size: 1.75" x 3.5" x 7.25" (4.45cm x 8.9cm x 18.4cm)
Weight: 13.9 oz. (0.4 kg).
Minimum Detection Limit:
- In vivo chlorophyll: 0.1 ppb
- Rhodamine WT: 0.1 ppb
- Turbidity: 0.5 NTU
Dynamic Range: 3 orders of magnitude.
Resolution: 12 bits.
Temperature Range: 41 ~ 104°F; 5 ~ 40°C
Warm-up Time: 5 seconds.
Light Sources Available: Blue LED and Green LED.
Chlorophyll Optics:
- ex = 460 ±20 nm
- em = >665 nm
Rhodamine WT Optics:
- ex = 540 ±20 nm
- em = >570 nm
Detector: Photodiodes with measurement capability from 300 nm to 1,000 nm.
Internal Data Logging: Up to 1000 data points.





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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