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Molecular Analysis LLC.
Molecular Analysis LLC is a Delaware Corporation founded in Aug 2005. Molecular Analysis designs, develops and manufactures proprietary World-Class gas analyzers and complete systems for environmental monitoring [ambient air, semiconductor and stack gas emissions].
Molecular Analysis applies innovative technology for the development and manufacturing of NDIR, NDUV, FAIMS, ECC, TCD and CRDS spectroscopic – based gas analyzers and assembles and support complete systems. This equipment can be applied to a broad range of applications including environmental compliance monitoring, process control, combustion optimization,
Semiconductor ambient air or exhaust monitoring, toxic gas monitoring and personal health analysis. All of MA's instruments have been refined through 20+ years of testing, practical field experience, state-of the-design. We are located in the Delaware area, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. After all, we are just an
email away.
Product Item:
‧Gases Cooling System
‧Gases Blender System
‧Gases Generator System
‧Process Gases Monitor System
‧AMC/Ambient Cooling Monitor
‧Manifold System
Molecular Analysis LLC.
3422 OLD CAPITOL TRAIL, SUITE 700, WILMINGTON,DELAWARE 19808-6192, USA www.ma-analyzers.com