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蠕動幫浦 Digital Peristaltic Pump

Major Science/2013/6/3 上午 11:57:214907

MU-D01 蠕動幫浦 Digital Peristaltic Pump
廠牌:Major Science
供應商:伯新科技有限公司 TEL:03-5313167

控制器 : 數位微處理控制器
轉速/增量 : 20-300rpm/1rpm
馬達 : 無碳刷馬達
功率 : 50W
轉子數目 : 3個
蠕動泵頭數目 : 1個
可變流速 : 1.2-1,140ml/min
尺寸(WxLxH) : 200x340x130mm
主要特點 :
* 體積小巧,易安裝泵頭
* 可適配不同管徑矽膠管,流速範圍廣
* 可逆向控制液體輸送和沖洗

MU-D peristaltic pump series is ideal for a variety of applications including filtration, circulation, sampling, chemical spraying, dispensing, transferring, feeding and filling. The easy-to-use pump design allows for several different silicon tubing sizes to be fitted providing the user with a wider variety of flow rates. The MU-D series is also reversible providing better convenience and flexibility to the user. The digital control provides high accurate rpm performance. MU-D01 pump is a digital controlled mode with a solid 50W brushless motor, and MU-D02 is designed with a higher horsepower, 100W for higher volume demands required.

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Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um 新款 PES 濾膜快速超低殘留型濾杯特價供應




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