藍光電泳槽系統 SafeBlue Electrophoresis System
SafeBlue Electrophoresis System
廠牌:Major Science
供應商:伯新科技有限公司 TEL:03-5313167
SafeBlue 藍光電泳系統
Major Science SafeBlue藍光電泳系統是目前業界唯一將電泳設備, 電源供應器, LED觀察發光設計整合為一的專利創新系統裝置, 方便使用者在跑膠的過程可即時同步看見正在進行中的DNA / RNA電泳帶執行狀態, 立即判定結果且對使用人員及樣品無任何危害風險。SafeBlue藍光電泳系統採用藍色發光二極管,可容許最大至15X15cm電泳注膠槽及相對應的電源供應。
適用於EtBr, SYBR Green I/II, SYBR gold, SafeView及Midori Green染劑系統。
The SafeBlue Electrophoresis System is the comprehensive solution for your daily DNA/RNA work. Combining an electrophoresis cell with a built-in power supply and blue light illumination, the SafeBlue system allows you to run and view your sample in real time. A small footprint saves lab space, yet the large 15 x 15cm gel trays allow for high-throughput possibilities. Instead of using the traditional UV wavelength, the blue light provides a safer, more convenient way to visualize samples with SYBR Green, EtBr, or SafeView dyes.