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Waver Shaker & Hybridization Water Bath 3D 振盪器 MW-23

儀器百科/2015/3/26 下午 04:38:14865

Waver Shaker & Hybridization Water Bath 3D 振盪器 MW-23

生醫儀器; 震盪器; 混合器; Major Science; 其他實驗室關聯設備機器及器材; 其他實驗室機器及器材;

廠牌:Major Science

•Continuous or timed operation with automatic shut-off
•Variable shaking speed form 5 to 100rpm for mixing and washing action
•Two shaking movements in 2D or 3D
•Adjustable platform angle
•Interchangeable / stacking platforms, and accessories for a variety of vessels.
•15kg carry capability
•One of 4 digital red LED display
•High quality DC Brushless motor
•Extendable shelf
•Light weight for easy mobility
•Very easy maintenance
•33 x 33cm platform

 Orbital and Nutation(2D or 3D)
 Digital microprocessor controller
 5 ~ 100rpm / 1rpm
 1 ~ 9999mins with alarm, continuous  / 1min
 DC brushless type
 Ambient to 40゚C
 33 x 33cm
 Painted iron metal
 330 x 450 x 280mm
 Painted iron metal
 Approx. 10kg
 110V / 220V selectable
 4 Digital LED
 Digital microprocessor controller
 Ambient to 95゚C
 1~9999 mins with alarm, continuous/ 1 min
 304 stainless steel
 240 x 270 x 50mm
 Approx. 2.8L
 Ambient to 40゚C
 300 x 300 x 290mm
 Painted iron metal 
 Transparent acrylic material assembled with stainless steel construction
 Approx. 7.0kg

[ 我要回應 ] -> Waver Shaker & Hybridization Water Bath 3D 振盪器 MW-23



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