Absolute encoders with precise optic scanning 絕對值型編碼器(精密光學掃描) Size 58mm
BAUMER; 絕對值型編碼器; 運動控制; 加壓減壓幫浦; Absolute encoders; 光學掃描; scanning; 編碼器;
Absolute encoders with optical and magnetic scanning
Precise optic sensing: Size 58mm & Large hollow shafts 20...50.8mm
•Scanning with high accuracy and fast acquisition of position
•Additional incremental signals for speed detection
•Solid shaft, blind hollow shaft or through hollow shaft
•From Ø30 mm housing to Ø50 mm hollow shaft
•Precise optical encoder with additional incremental signals in high signal quality
•SSI, BiSS, all common field bus and real-time Ethernet interfaces
•Optical and magnetic scanning technologies
•Designed for heavy-duty, offshore, ATEX and SIL applications
•Positioning and additional speed detection
•Particularly broad portfolio for many different applications, e.g. in wind power plants, cranes, packaging machines, commercial vehicles, and elevator technology