亞特安科技有限公司 |
204 基隆市安樂區麥金路160號二樓 |
2F., No.160, Maijin Rd., Anle Dist., Keelung City 204, Taiwan |
聯絡人:林先生 |
TEL:02-24313967 |
FAX:02-24313968 |
聯絡廠商 |
亞特安科技有限公司是一群在儀器工作的精英,累積二十年以上專業經驗,提供專業領域之儀器設備系統、相關技術支援、操作訓練及完善的維修/校正、顧問諮詢服務等. 提供國內外檢驗及研究市場高品質、低成本產品為目標。本公司經驗豐富,服務親切之專業工程師熱誠提供您相關的技術服務,為您選擇理想實用的儀器設備及完善的售後服務保證。 儀器設備 ‧ ENVIRONMENTAL Provides time-saving solutions to basic laboratory needs. ‧ PICKERING PCX5200 Derivation Instrument. Post-column derivatization provides the selectivity, sensitivity and the chromoatgraphic reproducibility often lacking in direct UV-Vis or pre-column derivatization methods. ‧ Kd Scientific Syringe Pumps KdS200 KdS210 KdS220/230 KdS240 KdS250 KdS100 KdS101 ‧ D-Star Affordable chromatography detectors and systems, Offers a variety of HPLC components for academic and quality control labs where budget concerns may exist. ‧ CENTRAL Autosampler combines state-of-the-art component technology with easy to use operating features that meet routine as well as research level autosampling requirements. ‧ FLOM Intelligent pump, Column oven, Automatic valve, Gastorr, Gradient controller & Pump, Reactor, Autosampler. ‧ SIC N2 supplier ‧ Picometrics Using with CE, Using with HPLC. ‧ Organomation S-EVAP-RB, S-EVAP-KD, Accessories for S-EV AP Evaporators. ‧ PICKERING Post-column Derivatization Instrument, One instrument, Many solutions. ‧ SOMA Variable Wavelength UV-VIS Deatector for HPLC. ‧ SPECTRO 能量分散式螢光元素分析儀,適用分析元素:Na ~ U。 ‧ Caliper 樣品前處理工作站, 高效能自動化系統, 自動微盤處理系統. ‧ 防潮家 淨化式藥品儲存櫃 ‧ Ocean Optics Scientific - grade Spectrometer, SeaChanger Color Engine, High-resolution Spectrometer, Curie UV-VIS emission spectrofluorometer, Maxwell absorbance system, High-resolution spectrometer, High-resolution spectrometer, Analytics systems & Field Sales Division, Linear Variable Filters. ‧ 淨自然 ‧ Dwyer Pressure, Flow, Air Velocity, Level, Temperature, Valves, Combustion Testing, Data Acquisition, Humidity, Test Equipment, Accessories. 耗材產品 ‧ J.G.Finneran Invented a micro sample vial combing a plastic outer shell and a glass limited volume insert. Glass and plastic vial capable of holding limited sample volumes. Unique sample vials and accessories. ‧ Upchurch Adapters, Filters and Degassers, Fittings, Fittings / Nuts & Ferrules, Frits, Micro / Nano Products, Multi-Port Connectors, Pumps & Pump Accessories, Software, Valves & Valve Accessories. ‧ Savillex PFA products, Beakers, Closures, Column Components, Digestion Vessels, Drop-in Wells, ICP/ICP-MS, Impingers, Inline Filter Holders, Jars, Membranes, Microcolumns, PFA Fittings, Specialty Products, Sub-boiling Stills, Tubes, Tubing, Vials, Custom Products. ‧ Seastar Chemicals Baseline, Teflon Bottles, Dispensing. ‧ Geicp Supplier of parts and consumables for ICP and ICP-MS. ‧ ENVIRONMENTAL BOD Testing, Chlorine Testing, COD Vials, Distillation System, Ion Chromatogrphy, Metals Analysis Supplies, Metals Digestions, Metals Standards, Method 5035 Supplies, MicroBiology, Oil and Grease EPA 1664, Organic Chemistry, Radiological Testing, Suspended Solids, TCLP Supplies. ‧ ChromTech Chiral HPLC columns 實驗室規劃 ‧ 規劃設計分析實驗室提供各種設計、工程分析和加工模擬軟體,經由適當的軟、硬體介面整合於一起,各軟體圖檔資料可相互傳遞,建立一完整性的設計分析能力。 實驗室目標以知識專業的角度,設置製商整合軟硬體學習企業資源規劃實驗室,並得聯結各子實驗室資料庫。使進入網路化的個人與組織學習之環境,傳授企業資源規劃從為整合內外部資訊的企業經營管理系統以全面提升企業競爭優勢。 |