


Scientific Biotech Corp.

6F., No.232, Sec. 4, Chongcing N. Rd., Shihlin District, Taipei City 111, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


賽恩斯生物科技股份有限公司 ( Scientific Biotech Corp. ) 創立於2003 2 月,自 2005 1 月起轉型為以進口代理、經銷 生命科學相關產品 ( 分子生物、免疫學、細胞生物、細胞培養、實驗室耗材、基礎儀器設備 ) 為主要貿易公司。


生物技術產業是 21 世紀之明星產業,生物科技亦成為全球新世紀高科技主流發展的產業,因此我們以熱愛生命科學及對生物科技術產業關心及為生物技術末來發展及競爭力提昇奉獻心力更願對學術研發及產業界,略盡綿薄之力;提供創新、專業、品質、服務,顧客至上為我們的的宗旨也誠懇期盼與舊雨新知及各位先進共同成長。

Scientific Biotech Corp. ( SBC ) was established on February of 2003 Since January of 2005, we transformed ourselves to an import trade company distributing life science research related products such as Bioreagents / Biochemicals / ImmunResesrch / Cell biology / Consumable goods / Basic Laboratory Instruments in the field of molecular biology.

Biotechnology is the star industry of the 21st century. It also became worldwide top priority high technological industry of development. Although we are a young teams, among us the staffs at SBC we possessed of cherish the same ideals and take the same course to have many years of experience in the field of life sciences and pharmaceuticals.

For our passion in life science and the will to increase the competitiveness of our biotech industry in Taiwan, we devote ourselves to provide good service to academic and research institute. Innovation, professional, quality, service and customer-first are the cornerstone of our company.

賽恩斯; 生物科技; Scientific; Biotech; 進口代理; 生命科學; 分子生物; 免疫; 生化試劑; Molecular Biology; 純化; 核酸; 組織培養基; 轉漬膜; 鐵氟龍; 硝化纖維; 耐龍; 免疫學; 細胞生物; 消耗器材; 塑膠類; 細胞培養瓶; 細胞培養盤; 細胞培養皿; 微量管尖; 離心管; 微量離心管; 分注管; 細胞電穿孔管; 過濾; 濃縮; 去鹽; 分離; 相關耗材; 實驗室; 儀器設備; Laboratory; Instrument; 微量分注器; 電動微量分注器; 充電式吸管輔助器; 計數計; 水平電泳槽; 電源供應器; 壓榨器; 紫外光; 透照箱; 結合箱; 垂直電泳槽; 轉漬器; Electroblotter; 微量離心機; MiniCentrifuge; 桌上型微量離心機; 加熱板; Hotplates; 攪拌器; Stirring; 本生燈; FireBoy; 天秤; Balance; 液態氮; Cryogenics; 樣品保冷盒; Cooler; 振盪; 混合; 攪拌; 凍乾; 振盪培養箱; Sharker; 恒溫槽; Block Bath; 混合機; Shakers; 超音波振碎機; Homogenizer; 粉碎機; 切斷器; Centrifugal; 濃縮機; Concentrator; 凍結乾燥機; Freeze Trap; 迷你混含器; Mixers; 雜交供箱; Hybridization Oven; 烘箱; Oven; 乾浴槽; Dry Bath; 乾浴器; 二氧化氮培養箱; CO2 Incubator; 分析儀器; 分光光度計; Spectrophotometer; 微量盤分析儀; ELISA Reder; 清洗機; Washer; 樣品填加機; Filler; 核酸聚合鋂; PCR; 反應操作台; Workstation; 引子合成; Primer;



BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um PES/ PVDF 針桶過濾膜特價供應
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um 新款 PES 濾膜快速超低殘留型濾杯特價供應




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