
SOL™ 2.2A SOL™ 2.2A 近紅外線高性能光譜儀(含電子制冷器)

SOL™ 2.2A

SOL™ 2.2A 近紅外線高性能光譜儀(含電子制冷器)

SOL™ 2.2A

廠牌:B&W Tek 必達泰克



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SOL™ 2.2A  近紅外線高性能光譜儀(含電子制冷器)-行動條碼QR Code

SOL 2.2A 近紅外線高性能光譜儀(含電子制冷器)

900-1700nm NIR TE Cooled InGaAs Array Spectrometer

The Sol™ 2.2A is a high performance linear InGaAs array spectrometer, featuring 256 pixels and providing high throughput and large dynamic range with TE Cooling down to -15˚C via a built-in 3-stage cooler.

EEach spectrometer features an SMA 905 fi optic input, built-in 16-bit digitizer, and is USB 2.0 plug-and-play compatible. The built-in autozero function automatically reduces dark current and dark non-uniformity, resulting in an increased signal-to-noise ratio.

 Software control allows the user to choose from four types of operation modes: Maximum Dynamic, High Dynamic, High Sensitivity, and Maximum Sensitivity. Customized spectral resolution and application support are also available.

Applications: Features: Accessories:

   Process Monitoring

  NIR Spectroscopy

  Quality Control

  On-line Analyzer

  Material Identification

•   900nm - 1700nm Spectral Range

•    Resolution as Fine as 9.0nm

•   Built-in Built-in Autozero (Noise Level Reduction)

•   -15˚C TE Cooling

•   Four Sensitivity & Dynamic Range

     Modes for Specific Application


•    Light Sources

•   Fiber Patch Cords

•   Fiber Sampling Probes

•   Fiber Sample Holders




BWSpec is a spectral data acquisition software with  a wide range of tools that are designed to perform complex measurements and calculations at the click of a button. It allows the user to choose between multiple data formats and offers optimization of scanning parameters, such as integration time. In addition to powerful data acquisition and data processing, other features include automatic dark removal, spectrum smoothing, and manual/auto baseline correction.



DC Power Input

5V DC @ 5 Amps

AC Adapter Input

100 - 240VAC 50/60 Hz, 1.0A @ 120VAC

Detector Type

Linear InGaAs Array


256 x 1 @ 50µm x 250µm Per Element

Spectrograph f/#


Spectrograph Optical Layout

Crossed Czerny-Turner


Dynamic Range

Maximum Dynamic Mode: 20,000:1
High Dynamic Mode: 10,000:1  
High Sensitivity Mode: 2,500:1
Maximum Sensitivity Mode: 250:1

Digitizer Resolution

16-bit or 65,535:1

Readout Speed

500 kHz

Data Transfer Speed

>300 Spectra Per Second Via USB 2.0

Integration Time

250µs to >= 64 Seconds

External Trigger

Aux Port

Operating Temperature

0°C - 35°C

TE Cooling

Three-Stage: -15°C @ Relative Humidity = 90%


~ 3.1 lbs (1.4 kg)


7.5in x 4.3in x 2.7in (192mm x 109mm x 68mm)

Computer Interface

USB 2.0 / 1.1

Operating Systems

Windows: XP, Vista, 7


Technical   Details

Fiber   Coupler

     Secures Fiber to Ensure Repeatable Results

By coupling a fiber optic to the SMA 905 adaptor, light will be guided to the slit and optically matched, ensuring reproducibility.  For free space sampling, a diffuser or lens assembly can be connected directly to the SMA 905 adaptor.


Entrance  Slit

Determines Photon Flux and Spectral Resolution

Light entering into a spectrometer’s optical bench is vignetted by a pre-mounted and aligned slit.  This ultimately determines the spectral resolution and throughput of the spectrometer after grating selection. We offer a variety of slit widths to match your specific application needs: from 10µm - 200µm wide, with custom slits available.



Approx. Resolution



50µm wide x 1mm high



100µm wide x 1mm high


Custom  Slit  Widths  Available

Collimating Mirror

   Collimates and Redirects Light Towards Grating

Both mirrors are f/# matched focusing mirrors coated with a special coating, which enhances the NIR sigral.

Diffraction Grating

Diffracts Light, Separating Spectral Components

The groove frequency of the grating determines two key aspects of the spectrometer’s performance: the wavelength coverage and the spectral resolution.  When the groove frequency is increased, the instrument will achieve higher resolution, but the wavelength coverage will decrease. Inversely, decreasing the groove frequency increases wavelength coverage at the cost of spectral resolution.

The blaze angle or blaze wavelength of the grating is also a key parameter in optimizing the spectrometer’s performance. The blaze angle determines the maximum efficiency that the grating will have in a specific wavelength region.

Spectral Coverage(nm) Grating Approximate
50µm Slit







Custom Configurations Available


Focusing Mirror

   Refocuses Dispersed Light onto Detector

Both mirrors are f/# matched focusing mirrors coated with a special coating, which enhances the NIR signal.

Array Detector

  Measures Entire Spectrum Simultaneously

The Sol™ 2.2A features a 256 x 1 TE Cooled linear InGaAs photo diode array detector with pixel dimensions of 50µm x 250µm and 256 active pixels. Using BWSpec™, the detector mode can be switched between High Sensitivity and High Dynamic Range modes, allowing for greater control over the detector’s sensitivity.


Wavelength Range

        1100nm - 2200nm



Pixel Size

           50µm x250µm

Well Depth

Maximum Dynamic Mode: ~250 Me-
High Dynamic Mode: ~125 Me-
High Sensitivity Mode: ~12.5 Me-
Maximum Sensitivity Mode: 1.25 Me-

Digitization Rate

500 kHz

Thermoelectric Cooler

    Reduces Dark Noise and Increases Detection Limits

Cooling an array detector with a built-in thermoelectric cooler (TEC) is an effective way to reduce dark current and noise, as well as to enhance the dynamic range and detection limit.

When the InGaAs array detector is cooled from a room temperature of 25˚C down to -15˚C by the TEC, the dark current is reduced by ~32 times and the dark noise is reduced by ~5.7 times. This allows the spectrometer to operate at longer exposure times and to detect weaker optical signals.





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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