A Reproducible Raman Chemical Identification and Quantification Analysis System:
Ultra Fast- Low Cost- Nondestructive-Robotic Control.
超快速, 低成本, 儀器自動檢測
榮獲2016年美國百大研發創新獎 (2016 R/D 100 Award Winner)
The AcuScan 1500 is the winner of the prestigious 2016 R&D Award “Oscars of Invention” honors the latest and best innovations and identify the top technology products of the past year. Since 1963, the R&D 100 Awards have identified revolutionary technologies introduced to the market, and now AcuScan1500 Raman Chemical Identification and Quantification Analysis System had joined that list of achievements and make history!
請點擊 最新2018 AcuScan1500產品應用,特色介紹
請點擊 食物色素分析方法
請點擊 藥物均勻度分析
請點擊 化妝品分析應用
Line ID: 0910258301 (Wayne)
電郵信箱: [email protected]
丘先生 手機: 0910-258301