
B, B-75, BB-75 韋伯斯特硬度計 B / B-75 / BB-75

B, B-75, BB-75

韋伯斯特硬度計 B / B-75 / BB-75

Webster Hardness Tester B , B-75 , BB-75




行動條碼QR Code
韋伯斯特硬度計 B / B-75 / BB-75-行動條碼QR Code
一個快速、精確的硬度計, 可檢測鋁料、黃銅、一般銅料及低碳鋼, 同時可以測試其它硬度計無法檢查的形狀、輪廓, 如擠型、抽管、平板原料..等。
◎ 可辨別熱處理前、熱處理後之材料
◎ 可以搭配固定式硬度計, 相互應用支援
◎ 可分開軟料及硬料
◎ 可分辨不合規格及不適用材料
◎ 檢查適合熱處理的條件
◎ 結合實驗室固定型硬度計可百分之百快速檢驗且節省大量人工成本
◎ 可使用於不能帶進實驗室的零組件等被測物
◎ 單手即可操作執行檢驗, 攜帶容易
◎ 直徑 3/8” 鐵砧設計, 可檢測多種不同外形材料
◎ 只要將把手施以至力到底即可讀出硬度值
◎ 在一個圓盤錶上有20個刻劃, 可應用於 "合格" 與 "不合格" 之操作模式, 以及直接讀數可轉換為其他標準洛式硬度值
◎ 標準型硬度計, 被測物之厚度為 1/4 吋
◎ 可因應客戶之需求, 其被測物之厚度可達 1 吋
Model B 硬度計
是設計涵蓋鋁合金 ASTM 1100 至 7075 全系列。在圓盤上20個刻劃指標可對應到洛式硬度E級 Rockwell E Scale 25 – 110
Model B-75 硬度計
特點在於硬度微細的改變也有相當靈敏回應值。這樣的靈敏度非常適合於低碳鋼及硬度較高的鋁合金測試, 對於黃銅材料測試範圍從退火到全硬材料均可測試, 在圓盤指標上共分 20 個等級,可對應到 Rockwell B Scale 20 到 100
Model BB-75  硬度計
發展源由是為了業界需求, 一種快速測試銅及硬度較軟的銅料。在硬度計圓盤指標上有20個等級, 可以對應到 Rockwell E Scale 18–100
B 型
B-75 型
BB-75 型
0 - 20
鋁合金:24~110 HRE
銅合金 :15~90 HRF
鋁合金:83~113 HRE
銅合金:60~90 HRF
軟鋼 :20~100 HRB


Webster Hardness Tester



Models B, B-75, BB-75

Portable, fast, accurate hardness gauge available in several models for testing materials such as aluminum, brass, copper and mild steel. Quickly identify tempers. Tests a variety of shapes that other testers cannot check: Extrusions, Tubing and Flat Stock.


  • One hand operation and portability.
  • Round 3/8 inch diameter anvil permits testing a great variety of shapes.
  • Simple operation
  • Test is made by simply applying pressure to the handles until "bottom" is felt.
  • Easy-to-read dial indicator with 20 graduations converts to standard hardness scale, or can be used as "go" and "no-go" gauge.
  • Standard hardness gauge tests materials up to 1/4 inch in thickness. Increased capacities available up to 1 inch
  • Each tester is shipped in a fitted case with a spare penetrator, adjusting wrench and standard test strip




The Model B Tester is designed to cover the hardness of aluminum alloys from the 1100 to the 7075 series. The 20 graduations on the Webster dial indicator covers the range between 25 and 110 on the Rockwell E Scale.

The Model B-75 Tester was developed to obtain more sensitive response to slight changes in the upper range of hardness covered by the Model B. This sensitivity is particularly useful in testing mild steel and the stronger aluminum alloys. For brass the B-75 covers the range from annealed to full-hard. This added sensitivity is accomplished by incorporating a penetrator of slightly different contour and a heavier load spring than used in the Model B. The 20 graduations on the Webster dial indicator covers the range between 20 and 100 on the Rockwell B Scale.

The Model BB-75 Tester was developed to answer the need of certain industries for a method of rapidly testing the hardness of electro-deposited copper and copper in the low hardness range. The B-75 penetrator is used to give sensitivity and the Model B load spring is employed to give light pressures. This combination allows the user to test the soft range of many common materials.




This sectional view shows the basic design principle of the Webster Hardness Tester. The different models vary only in penetrator and load spring design. These combinations give the ability to test a wide range of hardnesses and metals.

The penetrator housing, which contains the penetrator and load spring, slides vertically in the frame of the tester when pressure is applied to the handles. Only sufficient pressure is needed to "bottom" the lower face of the housing against the work. Resistance of the work to the penetrator causes the penetrator to recede into the housing against the spring pressure. The degree of penetration on the test specimen is indicated on the dial indicator sitting on top of the housing assembly. The load can be varied by adjusting the nut above the load spring, permitting the dial reading to be easily corrected against a test block of known hardness. A penetration of .010 inch produces a full scale reading on the dial indicator. Therefore materials in the softer hardness range should be of sufficient thickness so that the anvil will not influence the test and produce an "anvil effect". In general, soft materials under .025 - .030 in thickness will not give true readings.


Available Items



Item Number



Model B Standard Webster Hardness Tester for use on material between 0.025" and 1/4" wall thickness. Comes equipped with a 3/8" Standard Diameter Anvil. Includes: instrument case, adjusting wrench, standard test strip, and spare penetrator. 25-110 Rockwell E Scale


Model B-75, As Above (Brass) 20-100 Rockwell B Scale


Model BB-75, As Above (Copper Low & Hard)



Standard Test Strip - for everyday use in maintaining calibration of all Webster Hardness Tester models






VSet: B

Verified Test Strip - confirmed to be within the hardness specified on the Test Strip label with a certified and traceable Bench Model Rockwell Hardness Tester. Each verified test strip is identified by a serial number and comes with a certificate, valid for one year , which testifies to the exact hardness of the test strip







(Option 1)

Reduced Diameter Anvil - 1/4", 3/16", or 1/8" (Note: Equip your tester with the largest diameter anvil possible for your intended job(s). This will help guard against flexing of the anvil and provide the firmest test action possible.)

Increase the jaw capacity of the tester: OPTION#, Add-On:

(Option 2)

Increase jaw capacity from 1/4" to 3/8" - add

(Option 3)

Increase jaw capacity between 1/4" and 1/2". Includes a 1" diameter spacer - add

(Option 4)

Increase jaw capacity between 3/8" and 3/4". Includes a 1-1/4" diameter spacer - add

(Option 5)

Increase jaw capacity between 1/2" and 7/8". Includes a 1", and a 1-3/4" diameter spacer - add

(Option 6)

5/8" to 1" Capacity - Increase jaw capacity between 5/8" and 1" Includes a 1", and a 1-3/4" diameter spacer - add







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WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
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