
MK 3 熱收縮率.應力試驗機 MK 3

MK 3

熱收縮率.應力試驗機 MK 3

Testrite Patent Thermal Shrinkage Oven MK 3




行動條碼QR Code
熱收縮率.應力試驗機 MK 3-行動條碼QR Code


測試中的樣品暴露於溫度控制的空氣中。溫度介於兩個10” 寬的加熱板中間,收縮率會指示於刻度板上。殘餘的收縮率可經由加熱區移除樣品並容許它冷卻後查明。符合 A.S.T.M. D4974-89規範。溫度範圍可調整至攝氏250°

包裝紙箱: 52 x 50 x 46 cm
毛重: 55lb (25 kg)
淨重: 44lb (20kg)


1.     熱收縮儀(T.S. 10 AB型)最初設計用於鄧祿普公司的技術配套中,來檢測輪胎簾線在精確溫度控制下的收縮率情況。如今已經被廣泛應用於測試眾多不同類型的紗線、單纖維、聚丙烯、尼龍、滌綸、棉線以及紡織物等等。

2.     改良的新型微處理器控制單元調節和控制加熱板精確到1/4°C內,設定範圍從0-250°C,並且偏差值顯示在指示器上。

3.     紗線、細絲、繩索被安裝在滑動的支架上測試,樣品的一端被夾具固定,同時另一端平穩的搭在連接刻度盤指針的圓鼓上,樣品的終端連接一個砝碼保持測試中樣品被拉直(9g砝碼為標準配置,其它重量需定制)。

4.     重型的平衡鼓和指針還有彈簧夾可以按要求被定做(針對於測試非常重的紗線、紡線及帶線等)

5.     當放置樣品並且歸零後將支架向前推進加熱板缺口的中間區域,樣品的收縮率通過指針的位置變化指示在刻度盤上,這取決於測試樣品的密度。收縮值暴露在加熱區域一分鐘左右獲得。在得到讀數後,樣品可以通過支架的拉回而被取出,當樣品冷卻後剩餘收縮率顯示在刻度盤上。  

6.     紗線夾具可以夾持單線、粗線和寬達一英吋的排線。

7.     特別量身定做的加熱原理使得兩個加熱板間的空間溫度高度一致,即使在加熱空間的邊緣部分也不會產生溫差。

8.     如需要可定制擴展的刻度盤和轉鼓單元,該擴展單元刻度值達到48%X0.2精度,這對於測試高收縮率的簾線和線帶十分實用。原配的0-25%刻度盤依然配置。

9.     結合了自動計時器單元,計時器工作時指示燈閃爍,當支架裝載樣品推進加熱空間時開始計時,(時間可以從0-10分鐘調整)結束時發出蜂鳴聲,這一額外設計對於測試的精確性和一致性是非常重要的。

10. 設備包含一個數字顯示單元,提供加熱空間溫度的連續溫度顯示,當需要持續觀察得到板腔內及邊緣的實際溫度和臨界溫度時,這個設計是非常必要的。

11. 儀器針對所有可以測試樣品(包括所有的人工材料、天然紗線、聚乙烯、聚丙烯等等)的當前值和剩餘收縮率提供快速、準確的讀數。客戶的樣品可以根據要求被對比測試,(收取象徵性的費用,除非最終選購該儀器)對比測試需要提供需要的測試信息,例如溫度和承重等。

12. 如無特別要求,儀器使用220V AC/50Hz 電源。

13. 以上條款(4、8除外)為標準配置,4、8款定制需要額外付費。

14. 隨儀器提供詳細的操作說明,提供操作者詳細全面的操作步驟,同時提供一份關於電子和系統的詳細文件。

15. Testrite簾線熱收縮儀在世界上是獨一無二的。



Testrite Patent Thermal Shrinkage Oven Mk 3
(T.S.10 AB3)

This machine was originally designed in conjunction with the Tyre Technical Division of Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., to determine the shrinkage of tyre cord yarns at closely controlled temperatures. It has since been modified to enable similar tests to be carried out on 1” wide strips of fabric, as well as yarns, monofilaments etc.

Samples under test are exposed to the controlled air. Temperatures between two 10” wide heated platens, and shrinkage per cent is indicated on a scale. Residual shrinkage can be ascertained by removing the sample from the heated zone and allowing it to cool. A.S.T.M. Designated No. D4974-89.

Temperature range is adjustable from ambient to 250° centigrade.

Approximate shipping weights and measurements:
Packing case: 52 x 50 x 46 cm
Gross Weight: 55lb (25 kg)
Nett Weight: 44lb (20kg)


1.    The Thermal Shrinkage Oven, Model T.S. 10 AB was originally designed in conjunction with the technical tyre division of Messrs. Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., to determine the shrinkage of tyre cord yarn at closely controlled temperature, but it is now being widely used for testing many different kinds of yarns, mono-filaments, polypropylene, nylon, terylene and cotton, also fabrics, etc.

2.    A new and improved micro processor control unit is now fitted which regulates and controls the heater plates at a very close tolerance of + and - quarter of a degree centigrade, the dial setting range is from 0 to 250° centigrade and the deviation indicator is now an integral part of the control dial unit.

3.    The yarn/filaments fabric or cord to be tested is mounted on the sliding carriage, the sample being gripped at one end, whilst the other end passes over a delicately balanced take-up drum which carries a pointer set against a calibrated dial. The extreme end of the sample is held by a small nominal clip on a weight to keep it taut during test. (9 gram weight supplied, extra weights supplied upon request.)

4.    Upon request a heavy duty balancing drum and pointer can be fitted (at extra cost) also extra spring clip on, and ring weights of varying capacities can be supplied. (For users who require to test very heavy yarns, cords, or tapes, etc.)

5.    After mounting the sample and setting the pointer against ZERO on the scale the carriage is pushed forward bringing the test piece to a central position in the air gap between the heated platens, the shrinkage of the sample is indicated by the new position of the pointer on the scale and depending on the density of the sample under test, shrinkage values are obtained within an average of one minute’s exposure to the heat. After this reading has been obtained, the sample can be removed from the heated zone by returning the sliding carriage to its original position and the residual shrinkage can be ascertained on the calibrated dial when the test piece is allowed to cool (being now in the normal air temperature).

6.    The yarn clamp will hold single thread, heavy cords and tapes up to one inch wide.

7.    Specially designed heater elements are fitted which give a much greater uniformity of heat temperature in the whole length and width area of the air space between the heater plates, almost eliminating the temperature fall-off at the extreme ends.

8.    An expanded scale and drum unit can be fitted if requested, which registers up to 48% x two-tenths of 1% shrinkage, this will be found essential when testing yarns or tapes with high shrinkage values. The original scale 0-25% divisions is still fitted as standard, unless otherwise requested.

9.    An automatic time cycling unit is incorporated. The time cycle being set to automatically switch on a neon light when the quadrant scale unit which carries the yarn, is pushed forward into its proper position between the heater plates, and at the end of the time cycle which is adjustable from 0-10 minutes an audible signal is also incorporated, this addition will be found very useful when an accurate and consistent testing time sequence is necessary.

10. The illustration also incorporates a digital readout unit, which gives a continual readout of the exact temperature registered in the air gap of the heater plates, this is found very useful where a continuous visual observation is necessary, when exact and critical temperatures must be observed and maintained.

11. The instrument gives a quick and accurate reading for actual and residual shrinkage at given temperatures in all synthetics and mixtures of synthetics and natural yarns and strips of polythene and polypropylene, etc. Customers’ sample yarns can be tested on request for comparison (a minimum of is charged for this service, which will be cancelled upon receipt of firm order), but when this is requested information should also be given on the heat temperature and capacity of tension weights under which the test is to be carried out.

12. Unless otherwise requested, these instruments are supplied for 220/240 volts 1 ph. 50/60 cycles.

13. 110 volt instruments can be supplied upon request.

14. All items as above (with the exception of paragraphs 4 and 8) are incorporated in the standard instrument. Items 4 and 8 will be fitted only upon request at extra cost.

15. With each instrument is supplied a copy of the detailed working instructions which gives the operator full details of procedure, also supplied is a manual of the electrical details and system, etc.






OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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