
5017 過濾盤及 專用真空過濾裝置


過濾盤及 專用真空過濾裝置

Multi-well plate vacuum manifold

廠牌:Pall Corp.




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Filter Plates & Filter Plate Manifold


  • 半透過、黑、白三色的96或384孔過濾盤搭配多種濾膜選擇,滿足您在過濾微量樣品時的需求。
  • 除一般操作外,符合ANSI/SBS X-2004標準,適用於自動化設備;其側面並標有條碼以利於追蹤與記錄。









類別 排液口比較 濾膜選擇 單孔可容最大體積 最大過濾體積 顏色 包裝
Acrowell 96 PVDF (0.45μm) NT(0.2μm)
GHP (0.45μm)


350μL 250μL

AcroPrep 96 Omega (3K,10K,30K或100k)
Bio-lent (0.2μm) GHP (0.2μm或0.45μm) Glass Fiber(1.0μm)
Supor (1.2μm) PP/1.2-μm Supor 3.0-μm Glass Filber/ 0.2-μm Bio-lent PTFE (0.2μm或 0.45μm) Mustang (Q或S)
30-40μm PP/PE mesh
350μL 300μL

AcroPrep 96 1ml GHP (0.2μm或0.45μm) Glass Fiber (1.0μm) 3.0-μm Glass Filber/0.2-μm Bio-lent Mustang Q Mustang S PTFE (0.2μm 或 0.45μm) 1mL 900μL
AcroPrep 384 Long Tip Omega(10K,30K或100k)
Supor(1.2μm) GHP(0.45μm)
Glass Fiber(1.0μm)
100μL 80μL

AcroPrep 384 Short Tip

產品編號 內容 包裝
AcroWell 96-well Filter Plates with BioTrace NT Membrane
5022 0.2 μm, BioTrace NT membrane, white 10/pkg
5025 0.2 μm, BioTrace NT membrane, black 10/pkg
AcroWell 96-well Filter Plates with BioTrace PVDF Membrane
5023 0.45 μm, BioTrace PVDF membrane, natural 10/pkg
5026 0.45 μm, BioTrace PVDF membrane, black 10/pkg
5027 0.45 μm, BioTrace PVDF membrane, white 10/pkg

產品編號 內容 包裝
AcroPrep 96-well Filter Plates, 350 μL
5033 3K, Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5034 10K, Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5035 30K, Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5036 100K, Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5045 0.2 μm, GHP membrane, natural 10/pkg
5030 0.45 μm, GHP membrane, natural 10/pkg
5043 0.45 μm, GHP membrane, white 10/pkg
5044 0.45 μm, GHP membrane, black 10/pkg
5031 1.0 μm, glass fiber, natural 10/pkg
5031L 1.0 μm, glass fiber, natural 10/pkg
5032 1.0 μm, glass fiber, white 10/pkg
5029 0.45 μm, Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg
5039 1.2 μm, Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg
5039L 1.2 μm, Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg
5041 PP/1.2 μm, Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg
5042 0.2 μm, Bio-Inert membrane, natural 10/pkg
5046 3.0 μm, glass fiber/0.2 μm, Bio-Inert membrane, natural 10/pkg
5037 0.2 μm, PTFE membrane, natural 10/pkg
5038 0.45 μm, PTFE membrane, natural 10/pkg
5047 0.8 μm, Mustang Q membrane, natural 10/pkg
5048 0.8 μm, Mustang S membrane, natural 10/pkg
7267 30-40 μm, PP/PE non-woven media, natural 10/pkg
AcroPrep 96-well Filter Plates, 1 mL
5052 0.2 μm, GHP membrane 5/pkg
5052VM 0.2 μm, GHP membrane, valve mat 5/pkg
5054 0.45 μm, GHP membrane 5/pkg
5054VM 0.45 μm, GHP membrane, valve mat 5/pkg
5051 1.0 μm, glass fiber media 5/pkg
5053 3.0 μm, glass fiber media/0.2 μm Bio-Inert membrane 5/pkg
5062 0.8 μm, Mustang Q membrane 5/pkg
5063 0.8 μm, Mustang S membrane 5/pkg
5055 0.2 μm, PTFE membrane 5/pkg
5056 0.45 μm, PTFE membrane 5/pkg
5065 1.2 μm, Supor membrane, valve mat 5/pkg
5066 3K, Omega membrane 5/pkg

產品編號 內容 包裝
AcroPrep 384-well Filter Plates, 100 μL, Long Tips
5076 10K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5078 30K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5080 100K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5070 0.45 μm, GHP membrane, natural 10/pkg
5072 1.0 μm, glass fiber, natural 10/pkg
5072W 1.0 μm, glass fiber, white 10/pkg
5084 1.2 μm, Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg
AcroPrep 384-well Filter Plates, 100 μL, Short Tips
5077 10K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5079 30K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5081 100K Omega membrane, natural 10/pkg
5071 0.45 μm, GHP membrane, natural 10/pkg
5073 1.0 μm, glass fiber, natural 10/pkg
5073W 1.0 μm, glass fiber, white 10/pkg
5085 1.2 μm, Supor membrane, natural 10/pkg

搭配 Manifold 使用

1.Place filter plate on vacuum mainfold or hold the plate so that the outlet tips are not touched 2.Add sample asnd incubate. Apply vacuum 3a.Release vacuum from the mainfold. Remove filter plate and retained sample for further processing. 3b.Release vacuum from the mainfold. Remove filter plate. Remove collection (receiver) plate and utilize collected filtrate in downstream applications.

最大使用壓力:71.12cm Hg (28in.Hg)






OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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