
M7500 超高溫高壓流變儀 M7500 HP/HT


超高溫高壓流變儀 M7500 HP/HT

Ultra HPHT Rheometer M7500 HP/HT




行動條碼QR Code
超高溫高壓流變儀 M7500 HP/HT-行動條碼QR Code





  • 與同類產品相比,更容易操作。
  • 簡化維護和降低停機次數。
  • 無易碎的和昂貴的寶石軸承,使維護成本低廉。
  • 測試準備時間短。
  • 最先進的速度控制使得低剪切率狀態下的測試成為可能。
  • 全自動剪切應力校準設置簡化了操作程序。



  • LCD顯示屏提供實時的樣品溫度、浴溫、壓力、剪切力、剪切速率、轉速和黏度數字輸出。
  • 具有不使用寶石軸承的測量機構的專利設計。
  • 一次觸摸就可完成全部的API標準測試,包括轉和速溫度的升降過程控制。
  • 強大的數據庫系統、可實現即時曲線繪製。
  • 測試結果能以2維和3維曲線顯示,以及無限的曲線重疊。
  • 友善的操作界面包括自動校驗程序,測試程序設定和繪圖測試以及報告輸出。




22" x 12" x 24" (壓力室)

12" x 25" x 15.5" (控制單元)


250 lbs




132 ml


環境溫度 (20 °F 使用冷卻器) ~ 500 °F


0.01 ~600 rpm 連續


0.5 ~ 5,000,000 Cp


7 μN.m ~10 mN.m


大氣壓 ~ 20,000 psi 或 30,000 psi


0.0082 ~ 1020 S-1


2 ~ 1,600 dyn/cm2


±1% 全量程


0.3% 全量程


120 VAC 或240 VAC (配置變壓器)




120 psi


MS Windows 9X/2000/XP/Vista



Patented design prevents sample contamination
The Grace Instrument M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is a coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure, and high temperature rheometer. It is engineered to measure various rheological properties of fluids (including API HPHT tests) under a range of pressures and temperatures, up to 30,000 psi and 600°F. An optional cement module is also available for testing the rheology of cements (see tab "Cement Rheometer", below.)

The Grace Instrument M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer employs a unique, patented design which entirely prevents contact between sample fluid within the main test chamber and pressurization fluid, which is injected into interlocking isolated chambers above the test chamber. No other rheometer on the market today can make this claim.

Optional components add multiple test functions while saving time, money, and laboratory space
Hardware modules are available which add specific functionality to the M7500, including cement testing, pressure/volume testing, linear swell testing, and more. These modules take the place of stand-alone equipment and can be integrated into the standard M7500 training program, saving training time and consolidating test times. This feature alone enables the M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer to provide an excellent ROI.



  • The M7500 is built with a thick-walled steel pressure cell, which is surrounded by a fail-safe steel containment vessel to ensure operator safety.
  • It is designed for easy test set up, sample loading and post-test cleaning.
  • Cool-down after tests can be accomplished more quickly by connecting a tap water supply or a chiller into the M7500 cooling fluid loop.
  • Innovative patented design ensures against contamination of test sample with pressurization fluid.
  • Recently patented design eliminates the need for fragile and expensive "V" jewel bearings.
  • A computer-controlled, magnetically-coupled stirrer agitates the sample during testing
  • Provides users with sturdy unit, safe operation, and low maintenance
  • Engineered for safe testing with extreme pressure and temperature settings
  • Offers repeatable results and test flexibility
  • Unit includes an LCD screen and PC interface
  • Instrument does not compromise sample integrity
  • Fully digital and automatic
Comparison between Grace M7500 and Leading Competitor
  Grace M7500 Competitor
Bearings Patented and patent pending design eliminates jewel bearings. Use ball bearings. Easy to replace.
Very economic.
V Shape jewel bearings. Fragile, easy to break, difficult to install, very expensive.
Mixing with Pressurization Fluid Patented and patent pending design prevents tested sample to mix with pressurization fluid as long as tested sample is compressed less than 23% of volume. Tested sample will mix with pressurization fluid when tested sample is compressed more than 2.5% of sample volume.
Speed Range Standard range 0.01 to 600 RPM. 3 to 600 Rpm continuously.
Electronics Almost all electronic components are from third party reputable companies with excellent quality tracking records. Easy to replace in the future. Majority of the electronics are special designed PCB by fann Instrument. Easy to break down. Very difficult to replace and re-calibrate. Very expensive to maintain.
Operation Patented and patent pending design very easy to operate. Test turn around time is about one quarter of fann 75. No need for re-calibration before every test. Need special training to perform testing. Very difficult to operate due to extremely complex mechanical designs. Need calibration before every single test. Very difficult to calibrate too.
Software State of the art PC software with Database engine, real-time charting, various 2D & 3D charts, and unlimited chart overlapping. Database management of test results, searchable by test name, additives, etc. Limited functions designed almost 10 years ago.
Calibration Automatic shear stress calibration. Requires user to go through some complicated steps and mechanical adjustment before able to start calibration.
Weight & Dimensions Separate cell tower and control cabinet. Smaller foot print, height and weight. Movable by two personnel One integrated unit. Can only be moved by 4 people. Dangerous to move around due to its whole weight.



Dimensions: 22" height x 12" width x 24" depth (Tower)
12" height x 25" width x 15.5" depth (Cab)
Weight: 250 lbs.
Construction: Stainless Steel
U.S. Patent: 7,287,416 and 7,412,877
Sample Size: 132 ml
Temperature Range: Ambient (20°F with chiller) to 600°F
Speed Range: 0.01 to 600 rpm continuous
Viscosity: 0.5 to 5,000,000 Centipose
Torque: 7μN.m to 10 mN.m
Pressure Range: Atm. to 30,000 psi
Shear Rate: 0.0082 to 1020 S-1
Shear Stress: 2 to 10,000 dyn/cm2
Repeatability: ±1% of full scale range or better
Resolution: 0.3% of full scale range or better
Voltage: 120 VAC or 240 VAC (with transformer)
Coolant Supply: Tap water or chiller
Compressed Air: 120 psi
Computer Requirements: PC with MS Windows 9X/2000/XP/Vista/Win7











OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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