
M5600 流變儀 M5600 HP/HT


流變儀 M5600 HP/HT

Rheometer M4500 HP/HT




行動條碼QR Code
流變儀  M5600 HP/HT-行動條碼QR Code






  • 簡單的操作設置和低維護工作量,有效低縮短了試驗和停機時間。
  • 優化測量結構的設計,保證了儀器的測量精度。
  • 便攜、耐用和緊湊的設計,使其適用於現場測試。
  • 可測試酸和其他腐蝕性的樣品。同樣能夠測試有泡沫產生的樣品。
  • 在高溫高壓振蕩試驗中節省工作時間及試驗成本。
  • 創新的測量機構設計消除了在動態振蕩測試中使用的傳統磁耦測試由於慣性造成的誤差。



  • 緊湊簡潔的結構,所佔面積僅為8"×12" 僅重66磅左右。
  • 專利空氣軸承設計完全實現了測量機構的零摩擦,使得測試更加精確。               
  • 抗爬桿裝置有效地減少了試驗失敗和維護次數。
  • 具備3維流變分析工具軟件、數據庫、實時曲線分析和自動校準等強大的軟體。
  • 寬轉速控制範圍:從0.0001rpm到1100 rpm可調。
  • 可在高溫高壓酸性腐蝕環境下工作的哈氏合金測量結構。
  • 創新的動態密封形式非常適用於對強腐蝕的液體和氣體的密封。
  • 可進行傳統的n' & k' 測量,還可進行G' & G"自動檢測(選配)。
  • 高溫高壓振蕩檢測功能, 不需要傳統磁耦可進行直接測試。




8.5" x 12.5" x 25.5"


66 lbs (附油槽)


哈氏合金 C (潤濕部分)


32 ~ 78 ml


環境溫度 (20 °F 配冷卻器) ~ 500 °F


0.0001 ~ 1,100 rpm 連續


0.5 ~ 5,000,000 Cp


大氣壓~ 1000 psi


0.00004 ~ 1870 sec-1


0.01 ~ 5 Hz (黏彈性選項)


0.1% ~ 500 % (黏彈性選項)


0.01% 全量程


±0.05% 全量程


14 μN.m ~ 100 mN.m


1 ~ 15,000 dyne/cm2


120V 或240V (配置變壓器)


50 Hz或60 Hz


Windows 9X/2000/XP/Vista



Rotational viscometer with direct-coupled torque transducer - no bearings
Due to the patented design, The M5600 HPHT Rheometer provides direct reading inside the pressure vessel and employs no bob shaft bearings. That means lower maintenance costs while allowing continuous testing of corrosive samples.

The only true rheology measurement under pressure
The M5600 hardware design incorporates a direct drive between the bob shaft and the torque transducer, which eliminates momentum of inertia errors associated with magnetically coupled torque transducers. This, due to the elimination of bob shaft bearings, allows the torque transducer to respond quickly and consistently to changing bob shaft torque.

Viscoelastic option available for G', G" and phase angle testing
The M5600 HPHT Rheometer does not employ magnetic coupling, instead taking direct measurements inside the pressure vessel, providing true measurement in a pressurized environment. This allows us to offer the M5600 dynamic option, which enables the user to perform true G' and G" viscoelasticity tests under pressure, without having to pre-test using fluids with known G'/G" values.

Cutting-edge database software enables customized search and data comparison
The application software, M5600 PC, includes powerful database tools for searching, categorizing, and comparing test results. The search criteria can include any test result parameter, including additives, descriptions, or other details. M5600 PC also allows you to overlap as many test charts as you like. Each test chart will display with customized graphics to differentiate it from other tests

Patented design & detailed engineering lead to highly consistent data
The unique hardware and software design of the M5600 enable it to produce test results that are extremely repeatable, because process errors and other complications are eliminated by the robust and innovative configuration of hardware and software. By removing contamination and other interference from the test environment, the M5600 test results reflect the properties of the test fluid instead of the properties of the testing hardware.

The Grace Instrument M5600 HPHT Rheometer is a true Couette, coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure and temperature rheometer (up to 2,000 psi and 500°F).

The M5600 HPHT Rheometer is also available with an optional viscoelastic module for performing viscoelasticity tests to derive G', G”, G* and phase angle. This vastly increases the researcher's ability to predict the behavior of fluids, such as their capacity for suspending and carrying solids (weight material sag, drill cuttings transport, proppant transfer, etc.)

In the field of rheology-measuring equipment, only the Grace Instrument M5600 HPHT Rheometer offers true visco-elasticity measurement under pressure. Due to the patented design, The M5600 HPHT Rheometer provides direct reading inside the pressure vessel and employs no bob shaft bearings. That means lower maintenance costs while allowing continuous testing of corrosive samples.

Other rheometers often utilize a magnetic coupling across a pressure vessel to rotate a magnet on a bob shaft, using metal or air bearings, in order to measure viscoelasticity. A calibration fluid with known G'/G" values must be tested to provide a baseline for viscoelastic measurement. However, when the tested fluid possesses different G'/G" values compared to the calibration fluid, G'/G" measurement will be invalid.

The M5600 HPHT Rheometer does not employ magnetic coupling, instead taking direct measurements inside the pressure vessel, providing true measurement in a pressurized environment. This allows the user to perform true G' and G" viscoelasticity tests under pressure, without having to pre-test using fluids with known G'/G" values.

The M5600 HPHT Rheometer incorporates a direct drive between the bob shaft and the torque transducer, which eliminates momentum of inertia errors associated with magnetically coupled torque transducers. This, due to the elimination of bob shaft bearings, allows the torque transducer to respond quickly and consistently to changing bob shaft torque.


  • Allows the user to test samples with high acid concentrations, including fluids with 30% HCl
  • All wetted materials are Hastelloy C276 construction
  • Incorporates years of research into its innovative design
  • Oil or dry heat option (oil bath shown, above)
  • Fully digital with LCD screen
  • Fast test cycle:Setup-load-test-clean
  • Repeatable results with Test flexibility
  • Includes M5600 PC™ software, which connects the M5600 with a Windows®-based PC
  • Tests are simple to set up and run
  • Customizable charts and real-time data are displayed during tests
  • Saved tests can be searched by any specified test parameter: test name, fluid ID, additive, researcher name, or more
  • Also Available: M5600 HPHT Rheometer Carrying Case
  • Carrying Case includes an extendable handle and wheels for easy transportation.
  • Each M5600 unit has multiple thermocouples, dedicated thermostat for over heating shutoff, special relief valves, integrated N2 regulator, all internal tubing rating for 10ksi, and pre-programmed shutoff points within M5600 software.
  • The new carbon bath is much cleaner than older oil bath and allows for heating at 2x rate.


U.S. Patents: 6,938,464
U.S. Patents: 6,951,127
U.S. Patents: 9,157,846
Dimensions: 8.5" long x 12.5" wide x 25.5" tall
Weight: 66 lbs (with bath) or 61 lbs (with carbon block)
Pressure Range:: Atm to 2,000 psi
Sample Size: 32 to 78 ml
Resolution: 0.01% of full scale range or better
Temperature Range: Ambient (20 °F with chilling device) to 500 °F
Speed Range: 0.0001 to 1,100 rpm continuous
Frequency Range: 0.01 to 5 Hz (Optimized at 0.2 to 3 Hz)
Amplitude Range: 0.1%  to 500 % (Optimized at 0.2% to 500%)
Shear Rate Range: 0.00004 to 1870 sec-1
Shear Stress Range: 1 to 15,000 dyn/cm2
Viscosity Range: 0.5 to 5,000,000 Centipoise
Torque:  14 μN.m to 100 mN.m
Repeatability: ±0.05% of full scale range or better
Power Voltage: 120V or 240V (with transformer)
Construction: Hastelloy C wetted material
Power Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Computer Requirements: PC with MS Windows 9X/2000/XP/Vista/Win7





OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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