
Axxxx~Zxxxx Biobasic 分生生化試劑


Biobasic 分生生化試劑






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Biobasic 分生生化試劑-行動條碼QR Code


Bio Basic

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Bio Basic Inc. 是一家支持生命科學研究的公司,成立於加拿大多倫多 - 總部位於安大略省萬錦市和紐約州阿默斯特市。
Bio Basic相信實驗室服務和耗材可以並且應該負擔得起。Bio Basic直接生產基因、寡核苷酸、提取試劑盒、PCR 試劑和更多研究必需品。其製造和供應鍊網絡使Bio Basic能夠在不影響質量的情況下提供業內最實惠的價格。
科學研究的進步是一個漫長而艱鉅的過程,要經歷許多階段。Bio Basic相信,通過支持科學研究的初始階段,也稱為“基礎研究”,為整個過程的成功奠定了必不可少的基礎。當科學產品和服務的成本上升時,基礎科學研究受到的影響最大,這就是為什麼Bio Basic的使命是成為基礎科學研究的促進者。今日對於基礎研究的支持可以促使未來應用研究的成功。

Bio Basic 是世界上最大的基因製造商之一,提供各種基因相關服務以滿足任何實驗室的需求。

>二寡核苷酸合成 (Oligo Synthesis)
Bio Basic 提供最實惠的優質寡核苷酸,尤其是高純度(HAP、HPLC、PAGE)和修飾的客製寡核苷酸 (Oligo)

Bio Basic 有能力進行從基因合成到蛋白質表達、重折疊和純化的一條龍服務。

>多胜肽合成(Peptide Synthesis)
Bio Basic 提供廣泛的肽服務,包括客製化品質的肽、文庫服務 (library services) 和數百種修飾。 Bio Basic合成短肽、長肽(> 50 個氨基酸)和修飾肽 (modified peptides) 。

無論您需要用於Western Blot、IHC、ELISA 的抗體(單克隆/多克隆)還是針對您實驗室高度專業化的偉大計畫,Bio Basic 都可以滿足您對抗體生產的嚴格標準。

>DNA測序 (DNA Sequencing)
Bio Basic 提供靈活且價格合理的測序服務。 接受各種形式的樣品,例如:細菌菌落、甘油原液、沉澱培養物 (pelleted cultures) 和粗 PCR 產物 (crude PCR products) 。

AB0001 (+) Abscisic acid  (Dormin, ABA)   100mg
AB0001 (+) Abscisic acid  (Dormin, ABA) 500mg
AD0002 ABTS, diammonium salt   1g
AD0002 ABTS, diammonium salt 5g
A0895 ABTS, 10/140mg substrate tablets 10T
A0895 ABTS, 10/140mg substrate tablets 50T
AD0004 ACES 25g
AD0004 ACES 100g
AD0004 ACES  500g
AB0687 Acetamide   100g
AC1001 Acetic Acid ( Glacial) 1L
AC1200 Acetone   1L
AC1400 Acetonitrile  1L
AB1111 Acetosyringone 1g
AB0002 Acetylcholine chloride 5g
AB0002 Acetylcholine chloride 25g
AB0002 Acetylcholine chloride 100g
AB6697 N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 25g
AB6697 N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 100g
AB2245 N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine  25g
AB2245 N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine 100g
A742007 Acridine orange hemi salt 10g
AD0009 Acriflavine, neutral 25g
AB4433 Acriflavine Hydrochloride 25g
AB4433 Acriflavine Hydrochloride 100g
AB1032 Acrylamide   250g
AB1032 Acrylamide   1Kg
A0113 Acryalmide 40%  500ml
A0009 Acryl/Bis solution (19: 1), 30% (w/v)  500ml
A0006 Acryl/Bis solution (19: 1), 40% (w/v)  500ml
A0003 Acryl/Bis solution (19: 1) Premix powder   200g
A0010 Acryl/Bis solution (29:1), 30% (w/v)  500ml
A0007 Acryl/Bis solution (29:1), 40% (w/v)  500ml
A0004 Acryl/Bis solution (29: 1) Premix powder   200g
A0011 Acryl/Bis solution(37.5: 1), 30% (w/v)  500ml
A0008 Acryl/Bis solution(37.5: 1), 40% (w/v)  500ml
A0005 Acryl/Bis solution (37.5: 1) Premix powder   200g
ALS001041 Actin  1mg
ADJ719 Actinomycin D   5mg
AD0003 ADA buffer 25g
AD0003 ADA buffer  100g
AB0005 ADA buffer, disodium salt 25g
AB0005 ADA buffer, disodium salt  100g
AD0013 Adenine 25g
AD0013 Adenine   100g
AD0028 Adenine sulphate, dihydrate   25g
AD0028 Adenine sulphate, dihydrate   100g
AD0016 Adenosine   5g
AD0016 Adenosine   25g
AD0016 Adenosine 100g
AD0016D Adenosine-5’-diphosphate (ADP) disodium salt    1g
AD0016M Adenosine-5’-monophosphate (AMP)  disodium,  hexahydrate   5g
AD0016M Adenosine-5’-monophosphate (AMP)  disodium,  hexahydrate   25g
AB0020 Adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) disodium salt   5g
AB0020 Adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) disodium salt 25g
AB0311 Adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) 100mM solution  0.25ml
A6555 S-Adenosyl-L-methionine 1g
A6555 S-Adenosyl-L-methionine 5g
A505555 S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Disulfate p-toluenesulfonate 1g
A505555 S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Disulfate p-toluenesulfonate 5g
AD0006 AEBSF 50mg
D0012 Agarose A  50g  
D0012 Agarose A  250g 
AB0014 Agarose B     50g
AB0014 Agarose B     250g
AB0013 Agarose M   50g
AB0013 Agarose M   250g
AB0015 Agarose, Low melting gel      10g
AB0015 Agarose, Low melting gel      25g
AD0022 L-Alanine   100g
AD0022 L-Alanine   500g
A0903 Albumin, cold alcohol isolation 1g
A0903 Albumin, cold alcohol isolation 5g
AD0023 Albumin, heat shock isolation pH 7.0 5g
AD0023 Albumin, heat shock isolation pH 7.0 25g
AD0023 Albumin, heat shock isolation pH 7.0 100g
D0024 Albumin, pH 5.1+0.2 50g
D0024 Albumin, pH 5.1+0.2 250g
AR2440 Albumin, Cohn fraction pH5.2 50g
AR2448 Albumin, Fatty Acid Free 50g
AR2449 Albumin, Protease Free 50g
AR2442 Albumin, Low endotoxin  50g
A0298 Alcian blue 8GX     5g
A0298 Alcian blue 8GX   25g
AD0144 Alizarin red S   25g
AB0011 Alizarin yellow GG 25g
AB0012 Alizarin yellow R 25g
AB0016 Alkali blue 6B 25g
AB1016 Alkali blue 6B sodium salt 25g
AD0027 Amido black 10B 5g
AD0027 Amido black 10B 25g
AB0033 4-Aminoantipyrine    100g
AB0055 Nitrilotriacetic acid 100g
ADB0032 Ammonium acetate  500g
AR0032 Ammonium acetate    500g
AB0032 Ammonium bicarbonate 500g
AB0057 Ammonium bromide  250g
AB0058 Ammonium carbonate   500g
ADB0034 Ammonium chloride 500g
AB0059 Ammonium citrate, dibasic 500g
AB0060 Ammonium citrate, tribasic  250g
AC1525 Ammonium hydroxide 2.5 L
AB0065 Ammonium iron(II) sulfate hexahydrate  500g
AB0067 Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate 50g
AB0067 Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate 250g
AB0070 Ammonium oxalate monohydrate   500g
AB0072 Ammonium persulfate [APS]  25g
ADB0040 Ammonium phosphate, dibasic   500g
ADB0042 Ammonium phosphate, monobasic  500g
AB0073 Ammonium phosphate, tribasic trihydrate  500g
AB0074 Ammonium phosphomolybdate  25g
ADB0060 Ammonium sulfate  500g
ADB0060 Ammonium sulfate 2.5Kg
A762203 Amoxicillin,trihydrate 5g
A762203 Amoxicillin,trihydrate 25g
ADB0030 AMP buffer concentrate 500ml
AB0079 AMPD  buffer concentrate 100g
AD0030P Amphotericin B   1g
AD0030P Amphotericin B   5g
BS721 Amphotericin B (5mg/ml) 10ml
AB0028 Ampicillin, sodium salt  25g
BS722 Ampicillin, sodium salt solution ( 10mg/ml) 10ml
AB0064 Ampicillin, trihydrate 25g
AC1710 Aniline 100ml
AF1115 Anisomycin  5mg
AB0087 Anthraquinone   25g
AB0088 Anthrone   25g
ADJ692 Antipain, dihydrochloride 5mg
AD0153 Aprotinin 50mg
AD0153 Aprotinin 250mg
AB0071D D-Arabinose 25g
AB0071D D-Arabinose 100g
AB0071L L-Arabinose  25g
AB0071L L-Arabinose 100g
AB0097 D-Arabitol   25g
A2879 L-Arabitol 25g
AB0205 L-Arginine free base   100g
AB0205 L-Arginine free base  500g
AB0206 L-Arginine, monohydrochloride    100g
AB0206 L-Arginine, monohydrochloride    500g
AB0021 L-Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C)   100g
AB0021 L-Ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C)  500g
A94341 L-Asparagine,  anhydrous      100g
A94341 L-Asparagine,  anhydrous      500g
AB0017 L-Asparagine monohydrate  100g
AB0017 L-Asparagine monohydrate  500g
AB0091 L-Aspartic acid   250g
AB1178 L-Aspartic acid sodium salt monohydrate 100g
AB1149 3-AT 25g
AB1149 3-AT 100g
AB0098 Augmentin  1g
AB0098 Augmentin 5g
A0407 Auramine O 25g
A0407 Auramine O 100g
AD0068 Avidin 5mg
AB0100 Azomethine-H monosodium salt   1g
AB0100 Azomethine-H monosodium salt   5g
AB0111 Azure A chloride salt  25g
AB0112 Azure B 25g
AB0112 Azure B 100g
AB6677 Azure II  25g
BB0116 Barium acetate   250g
BC2020 Barium chloride dihydrate   500g
BD1217 Barium Diphenylamine-4-sulfonate  10g
BB0119 Barium nitrate   1Kg
BB1111 Basic fuchsin, certified   5g
BB1111 Basic fuchsin, certified   25g
BD0070 Basic fuchsin, hydrochloride   25g
BB0260 BCA, disodium salt       5g
BB0260 BCA, disodium salt       25g
BB0072 BCIP toluidine salt   100mg
BB0072 BCIP toluidine salt   500mg
BB1171 BCIP, disodium salt     100mg
BB1171 BCIP, disodium salt     500mg
BC2140 Benzaldehyde  500g
BB0122 Benzamide 100g
BD0076 Benzamidine hydrochloride 25g
BD0076 Benzamidine hydrochloride 100g
BB0125 Benzimidazole   25g
BB1147 Benzoic acid   250g
BB0743 6-Benzylamino purine 25g
BB0743 6-Benzylamino purine 100g
BB0129  Berberine chloride 5g
BB0130 BES, free acid    25g
BB0130 BES, free acid 100g
BB0130 BES, free acid 500g
BB0131 BES, monosodium salt 25g
BB0131 BES, monosodium salt 100g
BB0131 BES, monosodium salt 500g
BJ579 Bestatin   10mg
BB0133 Betaine hydrochloride     250g
BB0133 Betaine hydrochloride   1Kg
BB0266 Bicine    100g
BB0266 Bicine    500g
BD0019 Biebrich scarlet 25g
BDJ583 Big CHAP 250mg
BDJ583 Big CHAP 1g
BB0225 Bile salt  25g
BB0225 Bile salt  100g 
BB0078 D-Biotin 1g
BB0078 D-Biotin 5g
BD1219 2,2-Bipyridine  10g
BB0025 Bis-acrylamide 50g
BB0025 Bis-acrylamide 250g
A0114  2% Bisacrylamide Solution 500ml
B0466 Bismuth (III) citrate   100g
BB0079 Bis-Tris   25g
BB0079 Bis-Tris  100g
BB0238 Bis-Tris Propane  50g
BB0239  Biuret   25g
NT020S1 Nitrocellulose  Membrane  0.22um   5(20x20cm)
D0157-3 Nylon Membrane 1(20cmx3m)
BB1182 Bluo-Gal 250mg
BB0044 Boric acid  500g
BDE641 Bradford reagent  100ml
B0217 Brij 35 250g
BB0638 Brij 35 72% Solution 250ml
B6306 Brij 58 250G
BB0242 Brilliant green 25g
BB0242 Brilliant green 100g
BD0159 Bromocresol green  free acid  5g 
BD0159 Bromocresol green  free acid 25g  
ED0087 Bromocresol green, sodium salt   5g        
ED0087 Bromocresol green, sodium salt   25g        
BB0244 Bromocresol purple, free acid 25g
BB0244 Bromocresol purple, free acid 100g        
BB0627 Bromocresol purple, sodium salt 5g
BB0627 Bromocresol purple, sodium salt 25g        
BB2230 Bromophenol blue 25g
BB2230 Bromophenol blue 100g
BDB0001 Bromophenol blue, sodium salt    25g
BDB0001 Bromophenol blue, sodium salt    100g
BB0043 Bromothymol blue free acid     5g
BB0043 Bromothymol blue free acid     25g
BD0048 Bromothymol blue, sodium salt    5g
BD0048 Bromothymol blue, sodium salt    25g
AJ642 BSA Standard Solution 1ml
BD1237 1-Butanesulfonic acid sodium salt  5g
BC1800 1-Butanol 1L
BC2500 Butyl acetate   1L
BC2330 Butyric acid 500ml
CA0217 C10 E6 1g(10ml)
CA0220 C10 E9 1g(10ml)
CJ567 C12 E8  1g(10ml)
CJ622 C12 E9 1g(10ml)
CA1210 C12 E10 1g(10ml)
C0150 Caffeine 100g
C0150 Caffeine 500g
CB0249 Calcium acetate monohydrate   250g
CB0052 Calcium carbonate, anhydrous 500g
CB0052 Calcium carbonate, anhydrous 2.5Kg
CT1330 Calcium chloride, anhydrous 500g
CT1330 Calcium chloride, anhydrous 2.5Kg
CD0050 Calcium chloride, dihydrate   500g
CD0050 Calcium chloride, dihydrate 2.5Kg
CB0256 Calcium hydroxide   500g
CB0258 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate   500g
CB0262 Calcium phosphate, dibasic, dihydrate  500g
CB0263 Calcium phosphate, tribasic 250g
CB0265 Calcium sulfate, dihydrate   500g
CB0268 CAPS , free acid   100g
CB0268 CAPS , free acid   500g
CB0097 CAPS, sodium salt  50g
CB0097 CAPS, sodium salt  250g
CB0031 CAPSO, Free acid   50g
CB0031 CAPSO, Free acid   250g
CD0041 CAPSO , sodium salt 50g
CD0041 CAPSO , sodium salt 250g
CDJ469 Carbenicillin, disodium salt 1g
CDJ469 Carbenicillin, disodium salt 5g
CB0272 L-Carnitine  (Vitamin BT )  25g
CB0272 L-Carnitine  (Vitamin BT )  100g
CB0278  D-(+) Cellobiose 5g
CB0278  D-(+) Cellobiose 25g
CB0280 Cephalexin monohydrate   5g
CDB0054  Cesium chloride   50g
CDB0054 Cesium chloride   250g
CD0301 Cesium sulfate   50g
CB0105 Cetyldimethylethyl ammonium bromide  100g
CB0105 Cetyldimethylethyl ammonium bromide  500g
CD0106 Cetylpyridinium chloride, monohydrate      100g
CD0106 Cetylpyridinium chloride, monohydrate      500g
CD0110 CHAPS   1g
CD0110 CHAPS   5g
CB0115 CHES 50g
CB0115 CHES 250g
CB0660 Chitosan 100g
CB0660 Chitosan 500g
CB0118 Chloramphenicol   50g
CB0118 Chloramphenicol   250g
CB0736 Chlorocholine chloride     5g
CB0736 Chlorocholine chloride 25g
CC3000 Chloroform (Trichloromethane)  1L
CC3001 Chloroform (Trichloromethane)   4L
CB0351 Chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1)   200ml
CB0293 4-Chloro-1-naphthol 10g
CB0293 4-Chloro-1-naphthol 50g
CB0720  4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid 100g
CB0720  5-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid 500g
CB0721 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid sodium salt 100g
CB0721 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid sodium salt 500g
CB0297 Chlortetracycline, hydrochloride    25g
CB0297 Chlortetracycline, hydrochloride    100g
CD0122 Cholesterol 50g
CD0122 Cholesterol 250g
CB0298 Cholic acid   50g
CB0298 Cholic acid   250g
CB0299 Choline chloride 100g
CB0299 Choline chloride  500g
CJ584 Chymostatin   5mg 
CB0307 alpha-Chymotrypsin 1g
CB0307 alpha-Chymotrypsin 5g
CB0308 alpha-Chymotrypsinogen A   1g
CB0308 alpha-Chymotrypsinogen A   5g
CB0310 Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride   25g
CB0310 Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride   100g
CB0055 Citric acid, anhydrous 1Kg
C2123 Citric acid, monohydrate 500g
CB0322 Colchicine   100mg
CE203 Complete Cell Lysis solution 5ml
CB0324 Congo red   50g
CB0038 Coomassie brilliant blue G-250  25g
CB0038 Coomassie brilliant blue G-250  100g
CB0037 Coomassie brilliant blue R-250     5g
CB0037 Coomassie brilliant blue R-250     25g
C462151 Coomassie brilliant blue R-250 2 xSolution  250ml
CB3050 Copper (II)  acetate hydrate 100g
CB3090 Copper (II)  chloride hydrate  250g
CDB0063 Copper (II)  sulfate pentahydrate   500g
CDB0063 Copper (II)  sulfate pentahydrate 2.5Kg
CB0326 Creatine hydrate   100g
CB0326 Creatine hydrate   500g
CB0128 Creatine phosphate, disodium salt, Tetrahydrate   5g
CB0128 Creatine phosphate, disodium salt, Tetrahydrate   25g
CB0328 Creatinine 5g
CB0328 Creatinine 25g
CB0329 o-Cresolphthalein complexon  25g
C6370 o-Cresolphthalein complexon, sodium salt  5g
CB0330 m-Cresol purple 25g
C6371 m-Cresol purple, sodium salt 25g
CD0037B Cresol red, free acid 5g
CD0037B Cresol red, free acid 25g
CD0037C Cresol red , sodium salt 5g
CD0037C Cresol red , sodium salt 25g
SB0843 Cromolyn sodium salt 5g
CB0331 Crystal violet  25g
CB0331 Crystal violet  100g
CB0108 CTAB 100g
CB0108 CTAB 500g
CB0332 CTAC 100g
CB0332 CTAC 500g
CB0346 Curcumin 5g
CB0348 a-Cyclodextrin hydrate   5g
CB0348 a-Cyclodextrin hydrate   25g
CB1351 Cycloheximide 100mg
CB0352 Cyclosporin A 250mg
CB0352 Cyclosporin A 1g
CB0352 Cyclosporin A 5g
CB0132 L-Cysteine 100g 
CB0132 L-Cysteine 500g
CB0133 L-Cysteine hydrochloride, monohydrate 100g 
CB0133 L-Cysteine hydrochloride, monohydrate 500g
CB0088 L-Cystine   100g 
CB0088 L-Cystine   500g
CD0134 Cytidine 25g
CD0134 Cytidine 100g
CB0353 Cytidine 5'-diphosphate (CDP) sodium salt hydrate   100mg
CB0353 Cytidine 5'-diphosphate (CDP) sodium salt hydrate 500mg
CD0134M Cytidine-5'-monophosphate (CMP), free acid 100mg
CD0134T Cytidine-5'-triphosphate (CTP), disodium salt  100mg
CD0134T Cytidine-5'-triphosphate (CTP), disodium salt  500mg
CB0321 Cytidine-5'-triphosphate (CTP) 100 mM solution, tetrasodium salt  0.25ml
CB0354 Cytochrome C  100mg
CD0138 Cytosine 10g
CD0138 Cytosine 50g
D705183 Dansyl chloride 1g
D705183 Dansyl chloride 5g
DB0147 DEAE Dextran-HCL form 10g
DB0147 DEAE Dextran-HCL form 50g
DJ574 Decyl-beta-D- glucopyranoside   100mg
DJ574 Decyl-beta-D- glucopyranoside  Ultra Pure   1g
DE540 Denaturing solution    1L 
D0062 Denhardt's solution, 100x Concentrate  25ml
D0062 Denhardt's solution, 100x Concentrate  100ml
DD0043 2’-Deoxyadenosine, monohydrate  1g
DD0043 2’-Deoxyadenosine, monohydrate  5g
DB0358 2’-Deoxyadenosine 5’-monophosphate (dAMP) free acid  250mg
DD0046A 2'-Deoxyadenosine-5'-triphosphate [dATP],trisodium  salt, trihydrate  50mg
D0046A 2'-Deoxyadenosine-5'-triphosphate 100mM solution  [dATP], tetrasodium salt, trihydrate  0.5ml
DJ681 Deoxy Big CHAP 250mg
DD0150 Deoxycholic acid, sodium salt 50g
DD0150 Deoxycholic acid, sodium salt  250g
DD0045 2’-Deoxycytidine hydrochloride   1g
DB0361 2’-Deoxycytidine 5’-monophosphate free acid  250mg
DD0046C 2’-Deoxycytidine-5'-triphosphate [dCTP],trisodium  salt, dihydrate  50mg
D0046C 2’-Deoxycytidine-5'-triphosphate 100mM solution [dCTP], disodium salt 0.5ml
DD0047 2'-Deoxyguanosine, monohydrate    1g
DB0363 2’-Deoxyguanosine 5’-monophosphate disodium salt  250mg
DB0363 2’-Deoxyguanosine 5’-monophosphate disodium salt  1g 
DD0046G 2’-Deoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate [dGTP], trisodium salt,  50mg
D0046G 2’-Deoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate 100mM solution [dGTP], tetrasodium salt 0.5ml
DB0365 2'-Deoxyinosine  1g
DB7853 2'-Deoxyinosine-5'-monophosphate sodium salt 250mg
DD0152 2’-Deoxy-D-Ribose 5g
DD0152 2’-Deoxy-D-Ribose 25g
DB0049 2’-Deoxythymidine  1g
DB0049 2’-Deoxythymidine 5g
DB0367 2’-Deoxythymidine 5’-monophosphate disodium salt  250mg
DB0367 2’-Deoxythymidine 5’-monophosphate disodium salt  1g
DD0046T 2'-Deoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate [dTTP], trisodium salt 50mg
D0046T 2'-Deoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate 100mM solution[dTTP],   sodium salt   0.5ml
DB0369 2’-Deoxyuridine   1g
DB0369 2’-Deoxyuridine  5g
DB0370 2’-Deoxyuridine-5’-monophosphate disodium salt  250mg
DB0370 2’-Deoxyuridine-5’-monophosphate disodium salt  1g
DM1244 2’-Deoxyuridine-5’-triphosphate 100mM solution (dUTP) 0.25ml
DB0154 DEPC 5ml
DB0154 DEPC 25ml
DB0154 DEPC 100ml
D0121 DEPC Water 500ml
D0121 DEPC Water 4x500ml
DE732 Destaining bags  5 bags
DB0160 Dextran sulfate   10g
DB0160 Dextran sulfate   50g
DB0160 Dextran sulfate 250g
DC3670 Dibutylamine  100ml
DD1220 2,7-Dichlorofluorescein  5g
DB0395 2, 6-Dichloroindophenol, sodium salt hydrate 25g
DC3600 Dichloromethane 1L
DC3603 Dichloromethane 4L
DC3601 Dichloromethane 4L
DB0166 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid   100g
DB0166 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid   500g
DB0722 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid sodium salt monohydrate  25g
DB0722 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid sodium salt monohydrate 100g
DC3320 Diethylamine 500ml
DG1152 Digitonin-Water-soluble 100mg
DB0410 Dimethylamine hydrochloride  500g
DB0164 N’N-Dimethylformamide 1L
DB0412 N-N-Dimethylglycine hydrochloride   25g
DB0412 N-N-Dimethylglycine hydrochloride  100g
DB0413 Dimethylglyoxime 100g
DD1221 Dimethylglyoxime sodium salt 100g
D0231 Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 500ml
DC4300 1,4-Dioxane 1L
DD0166D DIPSO free acid 25g
DB0422 DIPSO monosodium salt 50g
DB0422 DIPSO monosodium salt 250g
DD1236 Dithiooxamide  5g
DD0099 DNase I (not RNase FREE) 250mg
DD0099 DNase I (not RNase FREE) 1g
DD0099 DNase I (not RNase FREE) 5g
DB0339 RNase & DNAase AwayTM   200ml  
RT4201 DNA,RNA-EZ Q2 (DNASE,RNASE-Be-Gone) Solution 50ml
RT4201 DNA,RNA-EZ Q2 (DNASE,RNASE-Be-Gone) Solution 5x50ml
DD0056 dNTP mixture (10mM) 0.5ml
DD0057 dNTP mixture (25mM) 0.5ml
DD0058 dNTP Set (100mM each) 4x0.1ml
DD0058 dNTP Set (100mM each) 4x0.5ml
DB2236 dNTP/dUTP Mix   1ml
DD1261 Dodecyl gallate 50g
DJ683 Dodecylglucopyranoside 100mg
DJ683 Dodecylglucopyranoside  1g
DJ424 N-Dodecyl-b-maltoside 100mg
DJ424 N-Dodecyl-b-maltoside 1g
DAD453 n-Dodecyl-b-D-thiomaltoside  100mg
DAD453 n-Dodecyl-b-D-thiomaltoside  500mg
DB0431 Dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide 50g
DB0431 Dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide 250g
DD0180 Dodecyltrimethyl ammonium chloride 50g
DD0180 Dodecyltrimethyl ammonium chloride 250g
DB0889 Doxycycline, hydrochloride     25g
DB0889 Doxycycline, hydrochloride     100g
DC3617 Drierite regular  500g
DC3618 Drierite indicating  500g
D705322 DTE 5g
DB0113 DTNB    5g
DB0058 DTT (Cleland’s reagent) 5g
DB0058 DTT (Cleland’s reagent) 25g
EJ586 E-64 5mg
EB0433 EDAC, hydrochloride 25g
EB0433 EDAC, hydrochloride 100g
SD8135 EDTA 0.5M Sterile Solution 450ml
EB0107 EDTA, Free acid    500g
EB0434 EDTA copper(II) disodium salt  250g
ED0075 EDTA , dipotassium salt, dihydrate  250g
EB0185 EDTA, disodium salt, dihydrate  500g
EK014P2 EDTA disodium & monocalcium salt   500g
EB0435 EDTA disodium & monomagnesium salt  500g
EB0437 EDTA, Iron (III), sodium salt  100g
EB0437 EDTA, Iron (III), sodium salt  500g
EB0436 EDTA, tetrasodium salt  dihydrate 500g
EB6666 EDTA zinc (II), disodium salt  100g
ED0077 EGTA  25g
ED0077 EGTA  100g
EB0438 Elastase 1g
EB0438 Elastase 5g
EE0190 Eosin Y,  free acid  25g
EE0190 Eosin Y,  free acid  100g
EB0441 Eosin Y, sodium salt 25g
EB0441 Eosin Y, sodium salt 100g
EB0444 Erythritol 100g
EB0444 Erythritol 500g
EB0192 Erythromycin     25g
EB0192 Erythromycin    100g
EB0452 Esculin, hydrate 5g
D0193 Ethanol,anhydrous (85%) 500ml
EC6400 Ethanolamine (Monoethanolamine, 2-Aminoethanol)   1L
EB0195 Ethidium bromide [EB; EtBr]   1g
EB0195 Ethidium bromide [EB; EtBr]  5g 
EB0195 Ethidium bromide [EB; EtBr]    25g
D0197 Ethidium bromide [EB], 10MG/ml Stock Solution  5ml
EC4600 Ethyl acetate  Reagent  1L
ED0199 Ethylene glycol  250ml
EB0450 N-Ethylmaleimide (NEMI)   5g
FB0452 Fast Green FCF     5g
FB0452 Fast Green FCF     25g
F715081 Fast red TR  1g
F715081 Fast red TR  5g
F760014 Ficoll 400  25g
F760014 Ficoll 400  100g
FT1159 Ficoll 70 25g
FD1223 Fluorene   50g
FB0203 Fluorescein, disodium salt   100g
FB0463 Fluorescein, free acid     100g
FB0202 Fluorescein diacetate 5g
F742107 Fluorescein isothiocyanate, Isomer I [FITC]  500mg
FB1555 5-Fluoroorotic acid hydrate (5-FOA)  1g
FB1555 5-Fluoroorotic acid hydrate (5-FOA)  5g
FD0080 5-Fluorouracil   5g
FB0466 Folic acid (Vitamin M)    25g
FB0466 Folic acid (Vitamin M)   100g
C5300-1 Formaldehyde 37% Solution    1L
FDB0212 Formamide  500ml
FB0211 Formamide deionized    100ml
FB0211 Formamide deionized  500ml 
FC3840 Formic acid, 88% 500ml
FB0213 D(-)-Fructose  500g
FB0213 D(-)-Fructose  2.5Kg
FB0469 Fuchsin acid  100g
FB0473 2-Furoic acid   100g
GDJ958 G 418 sulfate  100mg
GDJ958 G 418 sulfate    1g
GDJ958 G 418 sulfate  5g
BS723 G 418 sulfate, 40mg/ml solution Sterilized 5ml
GB0215 D(+)Galactose  25g
GB0215 D(+)Galactose   100g
GB0215 D(+)Galactose  500g
GB0476 Gallic acid  250g
G9764  Gelatin  100g
G9764  Gelatin  500g
GB0217 Gentamycin sulfate    1g
GB0217 Gentamycin sulfate    5g
GB0217 Gentamycin sulfate    25g
BS724 Gentamycin sulfate, 50MG/ml solution 10ml
GB0477 Giemsa stain     10g
GB0477 Giemsa stain    50g
Y46818003  Glucoamylase 5KU
Y46819003  Glucoamylase 25KU
GB0219 D-Glucose, anhydrous      1Kg
GB0218 D-Glucose, monohydrate   500g
G0243 Glucose oxidase    50KU
G0243 Glucose oxidase  250KU
GB0481 Glucose-6-phosphate, disodium salt, hydrate 1g
GB0481 Glucose-6-phosphate, disodium salt, hydrate 5g
Y46510003 α-D-Glucoside glucohydrolase 100U
Y46511003 α-D-Glucoside glucohydrolase 400U
Y46361003 β-D-Glucoside glycohydrolase 2KU
Y46362003 β-D-Glucoside glycohydrolase 10KU
GB0482 D-Glucuronic acid, free acid 5g
GB0483 D-Glucuronic acid, sodium salt, monohydrate 5g
Y46485003 Glutamate Dehydrogenase 150U
Y46486003 Glutamate Dehydrogenase 600U
GB0221 L-Glutamic acid     500g
GB0224 L-Glutamine     100g
GB0224 L-Glutamine     500g
GC3870 Glutaraldehyde,  25% solution      100ml
GC3870 Glutaraldehyde,  25% solution     500ml
G0875 Glutaraldehyde,  50% solution  25ml
G0875 Glutaraldehyde,  50% solution     100ml
GB0228 Glutathione oxidized     1g 
GB0228 Glutathione oxidized   5g
GB0229 Glutathione reduced 5g
GB0229 Glutathione reduced 50g
Y46540005 Glutathione reductase  200U
Y46541005 Glutathione reductase  1KU
GB0232 Glycerol    500ml
Y46465003 α-Glycerophosphate, dehydrogenase 1KU
GB0235 Glycine     500g
GB0235 Glycine     2.5Kg
GB0301 Glycogen 1g
GB0301 Glycogen 5g
GB0124 Glycylglycine    100g
D0238 Glyoxal, 40% solution 1Kg
D0238 Glyoxal, 40% solution 3Kg
GB0741 Glyphosine 100g
GB0741 Glyphosine 500g
SB2040 Green-DNA Dye 100UL
DT81414 Green-DNA Dye, ready to use 1.5ml
GB0242 Guanidine hydrochloride 100g
GB0242 Guanidine hydrochloride 500g
GDR0244 Guanidine thiocyanate 250g
GDR0244 Guanidine thiocyanate 1Kg
GB0244 Guanidine thiocyanate 250g
GB0244 Guanidine thiocyanate 1Kg
GD0246 Guanine   25g
GD0246 Guanine   100g
GD0250 Guanosine   25g
GD0250 Guanosine   100g
GB0492 Guanosine-5’-diphosphate [GDP], disodium salt       100mg
GB0492 Guanosine-5’-diphosphate [GDP], disodium salt      500mg
GD0250T Guanosine-5’-triphosphate [GTP], Trisodium salt   100mg
GD0250T Guanosine-5’-triphosphate [GTP], Trisodium salt   500mg
GB0493 Guanosine-5’-monophosphate [GMP],disodium salt   5g
GB0493 Guanosine-5’-monophosphate [GMP],disodium salt     25g
GB0332 Guanosine-5’-triphosphate [GTP], 100 mM solution    0.25ml
HB0494 Hematin  1g
HB0495 HEPBS  25g
HB0495 HEPBS  100g
HB0264 HEPES, free acid   50g
HB0264 HEPES, free acid 250g
HB0264 HEPES, free acid 1Kg
HB0265 HEPES, sodium salt  50g
HB0265 HEPES, sodium salt  250g
HB0265 HEPES, sodium salt  1Kg
HDJ699 HEPPS (EPPS)   25g
HDJ699 HEPPS (EPPS)   100g
HDJ698 HEPPSO, free acid   25g
HDJ698 HEPPSO, free acid     100g
HB0496 HEPPSO, sodium salt    25g
HB0496 HEPPSO, sodium salt   100g
HC5400 n-Heptane  Reagent   1L
HC5600 n-Hexanes    4L
HN1231 1-Hexanesulfonic acid sodium salt  5g
HB0500 Histamine  1g
HB0500 Histamine  5g
HB0501 Histamine dihydrochloride  5g
HB0501 Histamine dihydrochloride     25g
HB0502 Histamine diphosphate, monohydrate  5g
HB0502 Histamine diphosphate, monohydrate  25g
HB0330 L-Histidine, hydrochloride  100g
HB0330 L-Histidine, hydrochloride  500g
HE806 L-Histidine, monohydrochloride, monohydrate 25g
HE806 L-Histidine, monohydrochloride, monohydrate 100g
HD0137 Hybridization cocktails I , 0% Formamide  25ml 
HD0137 Hybridization cocktails I , 0% Formamide  100ml
HD0139 Hybridization cocktails II , 50% Formamide  25ml 
HD0139 Hybridization cocktails II , 50% Formamide  100ml
HD0143 Hybridization cocktails III , 0% Formamide  25ml 
HD0143 Hybridization cocktails III , 0% Formamide  100ml
HD0147 Hybridization cocktails , IV 50% Formamide  25ml 
HD0147 Hybridization cocktails , IV 50% Formamide  100ml
HC6025 Hydrochloric acid   2.5 L
HC4060 Hydrogen peroxide 30%      500ml
H1808 Hydroquinone 250g
HB0507 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde   100g
HB0511 Hydroxybenzotriazole monohydrate (HOBT)     50g
HB0511 Hydroxybenzotriazole monohydrate (HOBT)   250g
HK388 Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin   1g
HK388 Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin   5g
HD0274 8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-Quinolinol)  100g
HD0274 8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-Quinolinol)     500g
Y46565005  3 α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase  25U
Y46566005 3 α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase  100U
HB0528 Hydroxyurea 250g
HD0230 Hygromycin B 250mg
HD0230 Hygromycin B 1g
BS725 Hygromycin B, 50mg/ml solution (in PBS),sterile 2ml
IB0277 Imidazole 100g
IB0277 Imidazole 500g
IB0530 Iminodiacetic acid disodium salt  50g
IB0532 Indigo carmine   10g
IB0532 Indigo carmine        50g
IB0723 3-Indole acetic acid (IAA) 25g
IB0723 3-Indole acetic acid (IAA)  100g
IB0724 3-Indole-acetic acid sodium salt  25g
IB0724 3-Indole-acetic acid sodium salt  100g
IB0725 Indole-3 butyric acid (IBA) 25g
IB0725 Indole-3 butyric acid (IBA) 100g
IB0726 Indole-3- butyric acid potassium salt  25g
IB0726 Indole-3- butyric acid potassium salt  100g
IB0728 Indole-3- propionic acid potassium salt  (IPA-K)  25g
IB0728 Indole-3- propionic acid potassium salt  (IPA-K)   100g
IN1370 Indoxyl-Gal  100mg
IN1375 Indoxyl-Glucoside  100mg
IN1377 Indoxyl -Glucuronide 100mg
IB0534 Inosine  100g
IB0536 D-myo-Inositol  100g
IB0536 D-myo-Inositol  500g
IB0280 INT dye 250mg
IB0280 INT dye 1g
IB0280 INT dye 5g
IB0538 Iodine  100g
IB0539 Iodoacetamide 5g
IB0539 Iodoacetamide    25g
I0336 Iodoacetic acid, sodium salt     5g
N1182 Iohexol 5g
N1182 Iohexol 25g
IB0168 IPTG 1g
IB0168 IPTG 5g
IB0168 IPTG 25g
IB0168 IPTG 100g
FD0201 Iron chloride (Ferric chloride), hexahydrate  250g
FD0206 Iron (III) nitrate, nonahydrate  250g
FD0208 Iron (III)  sulfate, hydrate   250g
FB0461 Iron(II) sulfate, heptahydrate 500g
ID0278 Isoamyl alcohol [Iso-Pentyl Alcohol]   500ml
IB0914 L-Isoleucine      50g
IB0914 L-Isoleucine   250g
PC8601 2-Propanol (IsoPropanol) 4L
IB0918 Isopropanol 500ml
KB0545 Kallikrein  250mg
KB0545 Kallikrein   1g
KB0286 Kanamycin sulfate  5g
KB0286 Kanamycin sulfate  25g
KB0286 Kanamycin sulfate  100g
BS726 Kanamycin sulfate, 30mg/ml solution, sterile     10ml
KD0290 a-Ketoglutaric acid  100g
KD0290 a-Ketoglutaric acid  500g
KD0289 a-Ketoglutaric acid, disodium salt dihydrate  100g
KD0289 a-Ketoglutaric acid, disodium salt dihydrate  500g
KB0745 Kinetin  25g
KB0745 Kinetin    100g
L0253 Lactate dehydrogenase 25KU
LB0571  Lactic acid, lithium salt  50g
LB0571 Lactic acid, lithium salt  250g
LC4280 D-Lactose, monohydrate 500g
LB0559 Lead(II) carbonate basic  250g
LB0560 Lead (II) chloride  250g
LB0922 L-Leucine      100g
LB0922 L-Leucine  500g
LDJ691 Leupeptin (Acetyl-Leu-Leu-Arginal) 5mg
LDJ691 Leupeptin (Acetyl-Leu-Leu-Arginal) 25mg
LD0007 Light green SF, Yellowish 25g
LD0007 Light green SF, Yellowish 100g
LB0604 Lincomycin hydrochloride  25g
LB0604 Lincomycin hydrochloride  100g
LK548 Linear Poly Acrylamide Solution (5mg/ml)  1ml
LB0567 Lithium carbonate   250g
LDB0307 Lithium chloride, anhydrous  250g
LB0569 Lithium dodecyl sulfate  25g
LB0569 Lithium dodecyl sulfate  100g
LB0570 Lithium hydroxide, monohydrate  250g
LB0171 L-Lysine, monohydrochloride   250g
SD9001 Lysostaphin 1mg
LDB0308 Lysozyme    1g
LDB0308 Lysozyme    5g
LDB0308 Lysozyme    100g
M715241 Magenta-Gal  100mg
M715241 Magenta-Gal  500mg
MB0326 Magnesium acetate, tetrahydrate  500g
MRB0328 Magnesium chloride, hexahydrate 250g
MRB0328 Magnesium chloride, hexahydrate 1Kg
MB0328 Magnesium chloride, hexahydrate 500g
MB0328 Magnesium chloride, hexahydrate 2.5Kg
MD1224 Magnesium dodecyl sulfate 25g
MB0586 Magnesium nitrate, hexauydrate 500g
MN1988 Magnesium sulfate, anhydrous 250g
MB0329 Magnesium sulfate, heptahydrate, ACS 500g
MB0329 Magnesium sulfate, heptahydrate, ACS  2.5Kg
MRB0329 Magnesium sulfate, heptahydrate, biotech 500g
MRB0329 Magnesium sulfate, heptahydrate, biotech 2.5Kg
MD0330 Malachite green oxalate  50g
MD0330 Malachite green oxalate  250g
M0373 Malate dehydrogenase  25KU
MA0333 Maleic acid (Toxilic acid)   250g
MB0333 DL-Malic acid 250g
Y46756003 Maltose Dehydrogenase (r-MDH) 10KU
Y46755003 Maltose Dehydrogenase (r-MDH) 50KU
MIB1184 Maltose, monohydrate 100g
MIB1184 Maltose, monohydrate 500g
MB4950 D-(+) Maltose, monohydrate 100g
MB4950 D-(+) Maltose, monohydrate 500g
M46630002 Maltose Phosphorylase 250U
M46631002 Maltose Phosphorylase 1KU
MB0600 Manganese acetate, tetrahydrate 250g
MB0331 Manganese chloride, tetrahydrate 1Kg
MB0334 Manganese sulfate, monohydrate   500g
MB0335 D-Mannitol  100g
MB0335 D-Mannitol  500g
MB0554 D-Mannose  25g
MB0554 D-Mannose  100g
MB0554 D-Mannose  500g
MB0603 Magenta-GLUC-Bromo-chloro-indolyl-acirc-D-glucuronic-acid-cyclohexyl-ammonium-salt 1g
MB0605 Melatonin 5g
MB0605 Melatonin 25g
MB0608 Menthol 50g
MB0608 Menthol 250g
MB0338 b-Mercaptoethanol 100ml
M714163 6-Mercaptopurine 25g
MB0341 MES, free acid, monohydrate 25g
MB0341 MES, free acid, monohydrate 100g
MB0341 MES, free acid, monohydrate 500g
MB0611 MES, sodium salt 50g
MB0611 MES, sodium salt 250g
MC6700 Methanol 1L
MB0346 L-Methionine  25g
MB0346 L-Methionine  100g
MB0346 L-Methionine  500g
MB0612 Methotrexate 1g
MB0612 Methotrexate 5g
MB0614 Methyl blue, sodium salt 50g
MB0615 Methyl cellulose, low viscosity  250g
MB0616 Methyl cellulose, middle viscosity 250g
MB0617 Methyl cellulose,  high viscosity  250g
MB0342 Methylene blue, chloride, trihydrate  50g
MB0342 Methylene blue, chloride, trihydrate  250g
ME622 Methylene blue Solution, 100x DNA stain 25ml
MB0618 Methyl gallate  100g
MB0619 Methyl green, zinc chloride salt 10g
M0572 Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate 100g
M0572 Methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate 500g
MC7100 2-Methyl-2-propanol (tert-Butyl alcohol) 1L
MC7500 N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 4L
MB0627 Methyl red   25g
MB0627 Methyl red   100g
MB0628 Methyl red sodium salt  25g
MB0628 Methyl red sodium salt  100g
M706300 Metribuzin 100g
M0668 Mithramycin (Plicamycin)  5mg
MB0358 Molybdic acid, sodium salt 50g
MB0358 Molybdic acid, sodium salt 250g
MB0360 MOPS, free acid 100g
MB0360 MOPS, free acid 500g
MDB360S MOPS, sodium salt 100g
MDB360S MOPS, sodium salt 500g
MB0234 MOPSO, free acid   25g
MB0234 MOPSO, free acid   100g
MDB0095 MOPSO, sodium salt   25g
MDB0095 MOPSO, sodium salt   100g
MD1225 Mucic acid 50g
MB2251 MUG 250mg
MB2251 MUG 1g
MB1136 MU-Gal  250mg
MB1136 MU-Gal  1g
MB1135 MU-alpha-GAL 100mg
MB1137  MU-GLU 100mg
M0740 MUP, disodium salt, trihydrate  1g
Y46225005 Mutarotase (Aldose 1-epimerase) 200U
Y46226005 Mutarotase (Aldose 1-epimerase) 800U
Y46227005 Mutarotase (Aldose 1-epimerase) 4000U
MB0640 Mycophenolic acid 1g
MB0640 Mycophenolic acid 10g
Y46620005 Myokinase 2KU
Y46621005 Myokinase 10KU
Y46622005 Myokinase 30KU
NB0641 NAD-Trihydrate 1g
NB0641 NAD-Trihydrate 5g
NB0641 NAD-Trihydrate 25g
NB0642 NADH disodium salt, trihydrate, reduced   1g
NB0642 NADH disodium salt, trihydrate, reduced   5g
Y4681000 NADH-Inhibitor  10mg
N0760 NADP   250mg
N0760 NADP   1g
N0760 NADP   5g
Y4433000 NADPH 100mg
ND0363 Nalidixic acid 25g
NB0729 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid  100g
NB0729 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid  500g
NB0730 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid potassium salt 100g
NB0730 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid potassium salt 500g
NB0731 β-Naphthoxyacetic acid 100g
NB0731 β-Naphthoxyacetic acid 500g
NB0732 β-Naphthoxyacetic acid sodium salt 100g
NB0732 β-Naphthoxyacetic acid sodium salt 500g
NB0650 N-(1-Naphthyl)-ethylenediamine, dihydrochloride   10g
NB0366 Neomycin sulfate 25g
NB0366 Neomycin sulfate 100g
BS727 Neomycin sulfate, sterile 10ml
NJ595 Netropsin   25mg
NB0652 Neutral red   25g
NB0652 Neutral red   100g
NB0655 Nickel (II) chloride, hexahydrate  250g
NB0659 Nicotinamide 250g
NB0660 Nicotinic acid (NIACIN) 250g
NB0378 Ninhydrin    25g
NB0378 Ninhydrin    100g
ND1226 1-Nitro-2-naphthol-3,6—disulfonic acid disodium salt  25g
ND1226 1-Nitro-2-naphthol-3,6—disulfonic acid disodium salt  100g
NDB0379 Nitrotetrazolium blue chloride (NBT)  250mg
NDB0379 Nitrotetrazolium blue chloride (NBT)  1g
NDB0379 Nitrotetrazolium blue chloride (NBT)  5g
NB0669 Non-Fat Powdered Milk 250g
N2857 L-Norleucine 5g
N2857 L-Norleucine 25g
N4058 L-Norvaline 5g
N4058 L-Norvaline 25g
NDB0385 NP-40  (octyl phenoxypolyethoxylethanol ) 100ml
NDB0385 NP-40  (octyl phenoxypolyethoxylethanol ) 500ml
ND0056 NTP Mixture (10mM)  0.5ml
ND0057 NTP Mixture (25mM)  0.5ml
ND0059 NTP Set Solutions (100mM each )  4X0.25ml
NB0671 Nuclear fast red  5g
NB0390 Nystatin  5g
NB0390 Nystatin  25g
BS728 Nystatin solution,  sterile 10ml
OC7700 Octane  1L
OD1240 1-Octanesulfonic acid, sodium salt  5g
O5678 Octanoic acid (Caorylic acid)  250ml
O507057 n-Octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside 250mg
O507057 n-Octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside 1g
O6699 n-Octyl-b-D-maltopyranoside  250mg
O6699 n-Octyl-b-D-maltopyranoside  1g
OJ575 Octyl-β-D-thioglucopyranoside   100mg
OJ575 Octyl-β-D-thioglucopyranoside   1g
OB0673 Ofloxacin  25g
OB0673 Ofloxacin  100g
OD0395 Oil Red O 50g
OL1198  Okadaic acid, free acid 50ug
OL1199 Okadaic acid, sodium salt 50ug
ND0382 ONPG 1g
ND0382 ONPG 5g
O14Z25 Orange II   25g
OB0674 Orange G, sodium salt 25g
OB7771 L-Ornithine, monohydrochloride   25g
OB7771 L-Ornithine, monohydrochloride   100g
O705084 Ovalbumin, purified 1g
O705084 Ovalbumin, purified 5g
O705084 Ovalbumin, purified 25g
O715080 Ovalbumin, Protein Standard 2mg/ml 2ml
O715080 Ovalbumin, Protein Standard 2mg/ml 5x2ml
OB0677 Oxacillin, sodium salt 25g
OB0677 Oxacillin, sodium salt 100g
OD0400 Oxalic acid, dihydrate 250g
OD0400 Oxalic acid, dihydrate 1Kg
OD1239 Oxonic acid, potassium salt 5g
OZ173A Oxyhemoglobin 100mg
PB0680 Pancreatin-5.0   100g
PB0681 Pancreatin-8.0   100g
PB0682 Pancreatin-11.0   100g
PB0683 D-Pantothenic acid  hemicalcium salt (Vitamin B5)  100g
PC5530 Paraffin oil (Mineral oil),  light fraction   100ml
PC5530 Paraffin oil (Mineral oil),  light fraction   500ml
PC5531 Paraffin oil (Mineral oil),  heavy fraction 100ml
PC5531 Paraffin oil (Mineral oil),  heavy fraction 500ml
PC5532 Paraffin oil (Mineral oil),  extra heavy fraction 100ml
PC5532 Paraffin oil (Mineral oil),  extra heavy fraction 500ml
PB0684 Paraformaldehyde   500g
PE192 Patent Blue VF     25g
PD0100 PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) Powdered  1PK
PD0435 PBS (Phosphate buffered saline), 100 ml tablets 50T
PD8117 10x PBS  Solution (Phosphate Buffered Saline) 4L
PB0431 PEG 4000 500g
PB0432 PEG 6000 500g
PB0433 PEG 8000 500g
PB0135 Penicillin G, sodium salt 25g
PB0135 Penicillin G, sodium salt 100g
BS729 Penicillin G, 10KU/ml solution, sterile 10ml
BS732 Penicillin / Streptomycin, sterile 10ml
BS733 Penicillin / Streptomycin /Amphotericin B, sterile 10ml
BS734 Penicillin / Streptomycin / Neomycin, steile 10ml
PC7800 Pentane  1L
PB2553 PEP-K 250mg
PB0687 PEP-TRI 1g
PB0411 Pepsin  1: 3000 100g
PB0411 Pepsin  1: 3000 500g
PB0688 Pepsin  1: 10,000 100g
PB0689 Pepsin  1: 15,000   100g
PDJ694 Pepstatin (Pepstatin A) 5mg
PB0691 Peroxidase, horseradish,  Rz >3.0  100mg
DB0415 pH Standard Kit (250ml each) 1 Kit
P2301 pH Standard solution pH1.0    100ml
P2302 pH Standard solution pH2.0 100ml
P2303 pH Standard solution pH3.0 100ml
P2304 pH Standard solution, pH 4.0  100ml
P2305 pH Standard solution pH5.0 100ml
P2306 pH Standard solution pH6.0 100ml
P2307 pH Standard solution, pH 7.0 100ml
P2308 pH Standard solution pH8.0 100ml
P2309 pH Standard solution pH9.0 100ml
P2310 pH Standard solution pH10.0 100ml
P2311 pH Standard solution pH11.0 100ml
PB0693 1,10-Phenanthroline, Monohydrate  25g
PB0693 1,10-Phenanthroline, Monohydrate  100g
P0361 Phenazine methosulfate 10g
P0361 Phenazine methosulfate 25g
PB4112 Phenol, crystalline 500g
PD0252 Phenol, (Carbolic acid )  Double distilled for Molecular Biology 500g
PC5523 Phenol-liquid , saturated with water   100ml
PC6910 Phenol, saturate (pH7.9) 100ml
PC6910 Phenol, saturate (pH7.9) 400ml
PC6920 Phenol, saturated (pH4.5)  100ml
PC6920 Phenol, saturated (pH4.5) 400ml
PB0420 Phenol red    25g
PB0420 Phenol red    100g
PD0424 Phenol red, sodium salt 25g
PD0424 Phenol red, sodium salt 100g
PB0422 L-Phenylalanine    100g
PB0422 L-Phenylalanine    500g
PB0423 o-Phenylenediamine [OPD]   100g
PB0700 o-Phenylenediamine hydrochloride [oPD-HCl] 100g
Y46550003 Phosphoglucomutase 1KU
Y46551003 Phosphoglucomutase 5KU
Y46642082 Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase  25ug
Y46641082 Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase  100U
PJ585 Phosphoramidon    5mg
PD1241 Phosphotungstic acid hydrate 25g
PB0714 Phytagel  50g
PB0719 PIPES, free acid  100g
PDB0434 PIPES, sodium salt 100g
PB0750 Pluronic  F-127 100g
PB0425 PMSF  5g
PB0425 PMSF  25g
NB2361 pNPG 1g
NB2361 pNPG 5g
NB0365 pNPP-Na  5g
NB0365 pNPP-Na  25g
P0319 Polymyxin B sulfate 25MU
P0319 Polymyxin B sulfate 100MU
PB0436 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP-40)  250g
PB0437 Ponceau S 25g
PB0754 POPOP   5g
PB4979 POPSO, free Acid      25g
PB4979 POPSO, free Acid      100g
PB4959 POPSO, disodium salt   25g
PB4959 POPSO, disodium salt   100g
TB0560 Polyoxyethylene-20 (TWEEN 20)    500ml
TB0562 Polyoxyethylene-80 (TWEEN 80) 500ml
PB0438 Potassium acetate   500g
PRB0438 Potassium acetate  500g
PT1195 Potassium bicarbonate 500g
PT0762 Potassium bromide   500g
PB0439 Potassium carbonate, anhydrate  500g
PB0440 Potassium chloride 500g
PD0442 Potassium ferricyanide  100g
PD0442 Potassium ferricyanide  500g
PB0441 Potassium hydroxide  500g
PB0443 Potassium iodide     50g
PB0443 Potassium iodide     250g
PD0444  Potassium nitrate   500g
PN1196 Potassium nitrite 100g
P0774 Potassium oxalate, monohydrate   500g
PB7803 Potassium periodate  100g
PB0427 Potassium persulfate   250g
PB0447 Potassium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous   500g
PRB0447 Potassium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous   500g
PB0445 Potassium phosphate, monobasic, anhydrous   500g
PRB0445 Potassium phosphate, monobasic, anhydrous   500g
PB0446 Potassium sorbate 100g
PB0446 Potassium sorbate 500g
PB0782 Potassium sulfate, anhydrous   500g
PB6688 Potassium sulfite  500g
PB0786 PPO 50g
PN1227  Proflavine hydrochloride 25g
PB0923  L-Proline    100g
PB0923 L-Proline    500g
PC8500 1-Propanol  (1-Propyl alcohol)    1L
PN1229  1-Propanesulfonic acid, sodium salt, monohydrate 5g
P1112 Propidium iodide   100mg
PD0450 Propylene glycol ( 1,2-Propanediol)   500ml
PB0789 Protein A 10mg
PB0789 Protein A 50mg
PB0789 Protein A 250mg
BSP096-5 Protein A Agarose Resin 2.5ml
BSP096-25 Protein A Agarose Resin 12.5ml
P6872 Protein G 5 mg
P6872 Protein G 20 mg
SF022-PG Protein G Agarose Resin 1ml
O715080 Ovalbumin, Protein Standard 2mg/ml 2ml
G542302 Protein Standard 2mg/ml, gamma-Globulin 2ml
PB0451 Proteinase K 50mg
PB0451 Proteinase K 250mg
PJ593 Puromycin, dihydrochloride  25mg
PC8700 Pyridine  4L
PB0795 Pyridoxal hydrochloride   5g
PD0455 Pyridoxal- 5’-phosphate, monohydrate  5g
PD0455 Pyridoxal- 5’-phosphate, monohydrate  25g
PC6880 Pyrogallol ( 1,2,3-Trihydroxybenzene)  100g
PB0620 L-Pyroglutamic acid   10g
P0724  Pyronin B   5g
P0724 Pyronin B   25g
P0207 Pyronin Y [Pyronin G]  5g
P0207 Pyronin Y [Pyronin G]  25g
QB0802 Quinine hemisulfate salt monohydrate  25g
QB0802 Quinine hemisulfate salt monohydrate  100g
QB0803 Quinine sulfate 25g
RJ392 Raffinose, pentahydrate   25g
RJ392 Raffinose, pentahydrate   100g
R706203 Rapamycin  100mg
RB0464 Rhodamine B   100g
RB0464 Rhodamine B   500g
RD0470 Riboflavin  100g
RD0470 Riboflavin  500g
RD0472 Riboflavin-5-phosphate, sodium salt, dihydrate    25g
RD0472 Riboflavin-5’-phosphate, sodium salt, dihydrate    100g
RB0478 Ribonuclease inhibitor 1KU
RB0478 Ribonuclease inhibitor 5KU
RD0475 D-Ribose  25g
RD0475 D-Ribose  100g
RB0807 Ribostamycin sulfate salt  5g
RB0807 Ribostamycin sulfate salt  25g
RB0808 Rifampicin 25g
RB4475 2 x RIPA Buffer  I ( pH 7.4) 2 x concentrate  500ml
RB4476 2 x RIPA Buffer  II  ( pH 8.0) 2x concentrate  500ml
RB4477 2 x RIPA Buffer  IIII with EDTA & EGTA  ( pH 7.4) 2x concentrate  500ml
RB4478 5 x RIPA Buffer  IV with Triton-X-100   ( pH 7.4) 5x concentrate  500ml
RB0473 RNase A 25mg
RB0473 RNase A 100mg
RB0473 RNase A 500mg
RB0474  RNase A Solution (10mg/ml)  1ml
R2770 Rosaniline chloride  25g
R2770 Rosaniline chloride  100g
RB0809 Rose Bengal, sodium salt   50g
RB0668 Rubidium chloride 25g
SB0815 Safranin O 25g
SB0815 Safranin O 100g
SB0817 Salicylic acid  250g
SB4521 Saponin 25g
SB0485 SDS  100g
SB0485 SDS 500g         
SD8118 SDS, 10%(w/v) solution 100ml
SD8119 SDS, 20%(w/v) solution 100ml
SB8896 SDS-Urea-Tris solution 500ml
SB1479 L-Serine 25g  
SB1479 L-Serine  100g  
SB0479 Silver nitrate  25g
SB0479 Silver nitrate  100g  
SB1611 Sodium acetate, anhydrate    500g         
SRB1611 Sodium acetate, anhydrate    500g         
SB0481 Sodium acetate, trihydrate   500g
SB0483 Sodium acetate 3M solution 500ml
SB0830 Sodium L-ascorbate 100g
DB0613 Sodium azide   100g
SB0833 Sodium benzoate  500g
SB0482 Sodium bicarbonate 500g
SB7820 Sodium Bismuthate  25g
SB7820 Sodium Bismuthate  100g
SB7834 Sodium bisulfate, monohydrate   500g
SB0834 Sodium bisulfite   500g
SD0480 Sodium borate, decahydrate  500g
SB0837 Sodium bromide  250g
SB0838 Sodium butyrate 5g
SB0838 Sodium butyrate 25g
SDB0615 Sodium carbonate, anhydrous 500g
SDB0615 Sodium carbonate, anhydrous 2.5Kg
DB0483 Sodium chloride   500g
DB0483 Sodium chloride   2.5Kg
SB0476 Sodium chloride   1Kg
SB0476 Sodium chloride   5Kg
SB8889 Sodium chloride 5M solution 500ml
S2520 Sodium chloroacetate  100g
S2520 Sodium chloroacetate  500g
SB0841 Sodium cholate, hydrate  25g
SB0841 Sodium cholate, hydrate  100g
CB0035 Sodium citrate, trisodium salt, dihydrate  500g
CB0035 Sodium citrate, trisodium salt, dihydrate  2.5Kg
SB0846 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, trihydrate 100g
SB0847 Sodium diphenylamine-4-sulfonate 100g
SB6789 Sodium hydroxide, Beads  500g
SB0617 Sodium hydroxide   500g
SB0283 Sodium iodide   250g
SDB0486 Sodium lauroyl sarcosine   250g
SB0862 Sodium metabisulfite   500g
SD0484 Sodium nitrate   500g
SD0621 Sodium nitrite   500g
SB0867 Sodium nitroprusside dihydrate  50g
SB0869 Sodium orthovanadate ,dodecahydrate 25g
SB0869 Sodium orthovanadate ,dodecahydrate 100g
SB0829 Sodium oxalate   500g
SB0873 Sodium perborate, monohydrate  500g
SB0875 Sodium periodate  25g
SB0875 Sodium periodate  100g
S0404 Sodium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous       100g
S0404 Sodium phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous       500g
SDB0487 Sodium phosphate, dibasic, heptahydrate   500g
SB0878 Sodium phosphate, monobasic, anhydrous   500g
SB0879 Sodium phosphate, monobasic, dihydrate  500g
SC8240 Sodium phosphate, tribasic, dodecahydrate   500g
SB0884 Sodium pyruvate   10g
SB0884 Sodium pyruvate   100g
SB0885 Sodium salicylate   250g
SB0889 Sodium succinate, dibasic, hexahydrate 500g
SB0298 Sodium sulfate, anhydrate   500g
SB0298 Sodium sulfate, anhydrate   2.5Kg
RD0489 Sodium sulfate, anhydrate   500g
RD0489 Sodium sulfate, anhydrate   2.5Kg
SB0892 Sodium sulfite, anhydrate   500g
SB0897 Sodium thiocyanate  250g
S0265 Sodium thioglycolate 25g
S0265 Sodium thioglycolate 100g
SD0256 Sodium thiosulfate, pentahydrate     500g
S0898 Sodium tungstate, dihydrate  250g
SB0899 Sorbic acid  500g
SB0491 D-Sorbitol   500g
SB0901 Spectinomycin  dihydrochloride 5g
SB0901 Spectinomycin  dihydrochloride 25g
SB0902 Spermine tetrahydrochloride  1g
SB0902 Spermine tetrahydrochloride  5g
S714272 Spermidine trihydrochloride 1g
S714270 Spermidine trihydrochloride 5g
D0625 SSC Buffer Premix powder  1PK
D0623 SSC Buffer - 20x Liquid Concentrate 1L
D0622 SSPE Buffer, Premix powder  1PK
D6359 Stains-All  1g
SB0904 Starch soluble 500g
SE497 Streptavidin    1mg
SE497 Streptavidin    5mg
SB0494 Streptomycin sulfate   50g
SB0494 Streptomycin sulfate   250g
BS730 Streptomycin sulfate, 30mg/ml, sterile 10ml
SD0496 Succinic acid   500g
SB7835 Succinic anhydride  250g
SB0498 Sucrose   500g
SB0498 Sucrose   2.5Kg
SB0914 Sudan IV (sudan red 4)   25g
SB0914 Sudan IV (sudan red 4)   100g
S0593 Sudan black B  5g
S0593 Sudan black B  25g
S0593 Sudan black B  50g
SJ227 Sudan Red 7 B   10g
SJ547 Sulfobetaine 8     1g
SJ548 Sulfobetaine 10    1g
SJ550 Sulfobetaine 12    1g
SB0610 5-Sulfosalicylic acid, dihydrate   50g
SB0610 5-Sulfosalicylic acid, dihydrate   250g
SB0917 Sulfur sublimed    250g
A0023 TAE buffer 25x solution 1L
TB8898 TAE buffer premix powder 1PK
TB3566 TAPS, free acid  50g
TB3566 TAPS, free acid  250g
TB0920 TAPS, sodium salt   50g
TB0920 TAPS, sodium salt   250g
TB0921 TAPSO, free acid  50g
TB0921 TAPSO, free acid  250g
TB0922 TAPSO, sodium salt     50g
TB0922 TAPSO, sodium salt     250g
TB0925 L-Tartaric acid 500g
TB0926 Taurine 100g
A0024 TBE buffer (Tris-Borate-EDTA), Premix powder  1PK(4L)
A0026 TBE buffer (Tris-Borate-EDTA), 10x Solution  4L
A0025 TBS buffer (Tris-Buffered Saline), Premix powder  1PK(2L)
A0027 TBS buffer (Tris-Buffered Saline), 10x Solution  4L
TB0974 TCEP hydrochloride 1g
TB0974 TCEP hydrochloride 5g
D0123 TE buffer pH 8.0 sterile by filtration 450mL
TB0508 TEMED    25ml
TB0508 TEMED    100ml
TB0927 TES, free acid  50g
TB0927 TES, free acid  250g
TB0124 TES, sodiun salt   25g
TB0124 TES, sodiun salt   100g
TB0504 Tetracycline hydrochloride   25g
TB0504 Tetracycline hydrochloride   100g
BS731 Tetracycline, hydrochloride, 50mg/ml solution, sterile 10ml
TB0931 Tetradecanoic acid 250g
TDB0509 Tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (TTAB)  50g
TDB0509 Tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (TTAB)  250g
TC8900 Tetrahydrofuran (THF)   1L
TB0934 Tetramethylammonium bromide (TMAB)  25g
TB0935 Tetramethylammonium chloride (TMAC)  100g
TB0935 Tetramethylammonium chloride (TMAC)  500g
A0028 TG Buffer (TRIS-GLYCINE) 10X Solution  4L 
A0029 TG Buffer (TRIS-GLYCINE) 10x Premix powder  1PK(4L)
A0030 TG-SDS Buffer (Tris-Glycine-SDS) 10X Solution  4L 
A0031 TG-SDS Buffer (Trisbase-Glycine-SDS) 10X Premix powder  1PK(4L)
T0793 Thiazoyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT)    500mg
T0793 Thiazoyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT)    1g        
T0793 Thiazoyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT)    5g
TB1943  Thiourea   500g
TB0919 L-Threonine  100g
TB0919 L-Threonine  500g
TB0943 Thymine 100g
TB0946 Thymol  25g
TB0944 Thymol blue, free acid  25g
TN1195 Thymol blue, sodium salt  25g 
TB0945 Thymolphthalein  25g
TB0951 Tiron 25g
SD8107 10x TM buffer, sterile 1L
TB0954 TMB free base  1g
TB0954 TMB free base  5g
TB0954 TMB free base  25g
TB0514 TMB dihydrochloride  1g
TB0514 TMB dihydrochloride  5g
T6756 TNBT 250mg
T6756 TNBT 1g
T6756 TNBT 5g
TB0955 Tobramycin   1g
TC9200 Tolunene 1L
TB0962 Toluidine blue O   5g
TB0968 Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 250g
TDB0546 Tricine buffer, free acid   100g
TDB0546 Tricine buffer, free acid   500g
TN2230 Triclosan  5g
TC8960 Trifluoroacetic acid 100mL
TB0735 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid     5g
TB0735 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid     25g
T714206 Trimethoprim  5g
TB0196 Tris   500g
TB0196 Tris   2.5Kg
TB0194 Tris   500g
TB0194 Tris   2.5Kg
TB0195 Tris  500g
TB0195 Tris   2.5Kg
TD0101 Tris acetate    100g
TD0101 Tris acetate    500g
SD8122 Tris HCl Buffer 0.5M Solution, Sterile pH 6.8  450ml
SD8137 Tris HCl Buffer 1M Solution, Sterile pH 7.0  450ml
SD8124 Tris HCl Buffer 1M Solution,  Sterile pH 7.5 450ml
SD8124 Tris HCl Buffer 1M Solution,  Sterile pH 7.5 450ml
SD8127 Tris HCl Buffer 1M Solution,  Sterile pH 8.0 450ml
SD8141 Tris HCl Buffer 1M Solution,  Sterile pH 8.5 450ml
SD8146 Tris HCl Buffer 1M Solution,  Sterile pH 9.0 450ml
SD8129 Tris HCl Buffer 1M Solution, Sterile pH 10.0 450ml
TB0103 Tris hydrochloride   250g
TB0103 Tris hydrochloride   1Kg
T1491 Tris-(hydroxymethyl) propane 100g
TB0198 Triton X-100 500ml
TDB0554 Triton X-114   500ml
TS4449 Triton X-405  100ml
TS4449 Triton X-405  500ml
TT1140 Trypan blue   10g
TB0626 Trypsin 1g
TB0626 Trypsin 5g
TB0627 Trypsin 1:250 50g
TB0627 Trypsin 1:250 250g
TDB0629 Trypsin 1:300 50g
TDB0629 Trypsin 1:300 250g
T6788 Trypsin/Chrmotrypsin Complex 1000:1000 1g
T6788 Trypsin/Chrmotrypsin Complex 1000:1000 5g
T6789 Trypsin/Chrmotrypsin Complex 2400:400 5g
T6789 Trypsin/Chrmotrypsin Complex 2400:400 25g
TLS002829 Trypsin Inhibitor, Lima Bean 100mg
TLS003085 Trypsin Inhbitor, Ovomucoid (OI) 500mg
TLS003587  Trypsin inhibitor, soybean      1g   
TLS003570 Trypsin inhibitor, soybean, purified     100mg
TB1911 L-Tryptophan  50g
TB1911 L-Tryptophan  250g
TDB0558 TTC (TTZ)   5g
TDB0558 TTC (TTZ)   25g
TD8131 TTE ( Tris-TAPS-EDTA Buffer)  Premix  powder  1PK
TD8135 TT-SDS ( Tris-Tricine-SDS buffer) Premix   powder  1PK
TB1932 L-Tyrosine  100g
TB1932 L-Tyrosine  500g
UD0564 Uracil  100g
UD0564 Uracil  500g
UB0148 Urea     500g      
UB0148 Urea     2.5Kg
UB0978 Uric acid 10g
UB0978 Uric acid 50g
UD0570 Uridine  25g
UD0570 Uridine  100g
UB0980 Uridine -5’-monophosphate UMP], disodium salt  5g
UB0980 Uridine -5’-monophosphate UMP], disodium salt  25g
UD0570T Uridine -5’-triphosphate UTP],  trisodium salt 100mg
UB1341 Uridine -5’-triphosphate UTP], 100 mM solution   0.25ml
UB0981 Urinary trypsin inhibitor fragment (UTI)   100mg
UB0981 Urinary trypsin inhibitor fragment (UTI)   500mg
VB0172 L-Valine  25g
VB0172 L-Valine  100g
VB0172 L-Valine  500g
VB0983 Vancomycin hydrochloride   1g
VB0985 Victoria blue B   25g
C8801 Water   500ml
WW1001 Water, auotclave 4L
WC8800 Water, deionized 4L
WC8800 Water, deionized 20L
WB0989 Wright's stain (Eosin methyl blue) 25g
WB0989 Wright's stain (Eosin methyl blue) 100g
BB0083 X-Gal 100mg
BB0083 X-Gal 1g
BB0083 X-Gal 5g
X714501 X-Galactosamidide 100mg
XN1197 Xanthine 5g
BB0085 X-GLUC 25mg
BB0085 X-GLUC 100mg
PB2525 XTT, sodium salt 250mg
XC9800 Xylene 1L
XB0996 Xylenol orange 10g
XB0005 Xylene cyanol FF 5g
XB0997 Xylitol 100g
XB0998 Xylose 100g
ZB0747 Zeatin 100mg
ZB0747 Zeatin 1g
ZB0748 trans-Zeatin 100mg
ZB0748 trans-Zeatin 1g
Z33A8 trans-Zeatin riboside 100mg
Z706211 CL990-cin 100mg
Z706211 CL990-cin 1g
ZB1002 Zinc acetate dihydrate 250g
ZB1003 Zinc chloride  250g
ZB1004 Zinc nitrate, hexahydrate 500g
ZB1005 Zincon Monodium Salt 25g
ZB2906 Zinc sulfate, heptahydrate 500g
ZB4250 Zymosan A 100mg
ZB4250 Zymosan A 1g
A0014 TBE buffer (Tris-Borate-EDTA), Premix powder  1PK(1L)
A0033 TAE buffer 50x solution 1L
DNAF001 DNA-fectamine 1ML
A00265 TBE buffer (Tris-Borate-EDTA), 5x Solution  4L
A00269 10XTBE 500mL 
AZ140A Alkaline phosphatase Power AP  1MG
AZ140C Alkaline phosphatase 50% Glycerol 1MG
AZ140B Alkaline phosphatase Ammonium sulfate suspension 1MG
AZ235A Alkaline phosphatase Power AP  1MG
AZ235C Alkaline phosphatase 50% Glycerol  1MG
TB0197 Tris  500G
TB0197 Tris  2.5KG
DNAF003 Lentifectin™ Transfection Reagent 1ML
DT81413 Eco-Stain, ready to use 1ML
DT81413 Eco-Stain, ready to use 5X1ML
DT81417 Eco-White-DNA Dye, ready to use 1ML
DT81417 Eco-White-DNA Dye, ready to use 5X1ML
DT81418 Eco-Stain Plus, ready to use 1ML
DT81418 Eco-Stain Plus, ready to use 5X1ML
DT81415 Eco-Red-DNA Dye, ready to use 1ML
DT81415 Eco-Red-DNA Dye, ready to use 5X1ML
TAE17-2PER-EB Precast Agarose Gel TAE, 2%, 17 Well, EtBr Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
TBE17-2PER-EB Precast Agarose Gel TBE, 2%, 17 Well, EtBr Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
TAE17-2PER-SF Precast Agarose Gel TAE, 2%, 17 Well, Eco-Green Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
TBE17-2PER-SF Precast Agarose Gel TBE, 2%, 17 Well, Eco-Green Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
TAE48-2PER-EB Precast Agarose Gel TAE, 2%, 48 Well, EtBr Stained, 10 gels per Box 1BOX
TBE48-2PER-EB Precast Agarose Gel TBE, 2%, 48 Well, EtBr Stained, 10 gels per Box 1BOX
TAE48-2PER-SF Precast Agarose Gel TAE, 2%, 48 Well, Eco-Green Stained, 10 gels per Box 1BOX
TBE48-2PER-SF Precast Agarose Gel TBE, 2%, 48 Well, Eco-Green Stained, 10 gels per Box 1BOX
TAE12-2PER-EB Precast Agarose Gel TAE, 2%, 12 Well, EtBr Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
TBE12-2PER-EB Precast Agarose Gel TBE, 2%, 12 Well, EtBr Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
TAE12-2PER-SF Precast Agarose Gel TAE, 2%, 12 Well, Eco-Green Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
TBE12-2PER-SF Precast Agarose Gel TBE, 2%, 12 Well, Eco-Green Stained, 20 gels per Box 1BOX
UPD8119 10x PBST  Solution (10X Phosphate Buffered Saline, 0.5% Tween-20), PH 7.4 500mL
UPD8119 10x PBST  Solution (10X Phosphate Buffered Saline, 0.5% Tween-20) 1L
UA00279 TBS buffer (Tris-Buffered Saline), 10x Solution  500mL 
A00239 10X TAE buffer 10x solution 500mL 
USD8125 Tris-HCl, 1M, 1XpH 7.4 1L
USD8125 Tris-HCl, 1M, 1XpH 7.4 500ml
USD8127 Tris-HCl, 1M, 1X, pH 8.0 500ml
USD8127 Tris-HCl, 1M, 1X, pH 8.0 1L
USD8137 Tris-HCl, 1M, 1X, pH 7.0 500ml
USD8137 Tris-HCl, 1M, 1X, pH 7.0 1L
BS751 Satellite free Ampicillin, 100mg/mL, for 1 L of growth media 1mL
BS752 Satellite free Ampicillinfor 5 L of growth media 5X1mL
UA0046 TBST (TBS-Tween 20), 10XpH 7.6 500ml
UA0046 TBST (TBS-Tween 20), 10XpH 7.6 1L
UA0045 TBS buffer (Tris-Buffered Saline), 20x Solution  1L
UA0045 TBS buffer (Tris-Buffered Saline), 20x Solution  500ml
USD8214 TE Buffer (Tris-EDTA), 100X, pH 7.4 500mL
USD8211 TE Buffer (Tris-EDTA), 10X, pH 7.4 500mL
USD8211 TE Buffer (Tris-EDTA), 10X,  pH 7.4 1L
USD8212 TE Buffer (Tris-EDTA), 50X,  pH 7.4 500mL
USD8311 TE Buffer (Tris-EDTA), 100X, pH 8.0 500mL
USD8411 TE Buffer (Tris-EDTA), 100X, pH 8.3 1L
UGB3100 Glycine-HCI, 1XpH 3.0 500ml
SD8119 SDS, 20%(w/v) solution 500ml
SD8119 SDS, 20%(w/v) solution 1L
WW1002 Water, Ultra Pure, Free of Dnase, Rnase, Protease, Endonuclease  100mL
WW1002 Water, Ultra Pure, Free of Dnase, Rnase, Protease, Endonuclease  500mL
WW1002 Water, Ultra Pure, Free of Dnase, Rnase, Protease, Endonuclease  1L
UPD8117 PBS, 10X 500mL
USD8135 EDTA Buffer, 0,5M , 1X, pH 8.0,  1L
USD8135 EDTA Buffer, 0,5M , 1X, pH 8.0,  500mL
UA0028 TG Buffer (TRIS-GLYCINE) 10X Solution  500mL
UA0028 TG Buffer (TRIS-GLYCINE) 10X Solution  1L
UA0030 TG-SDS, 10X, pH 8.3 500mL 
UA0030 TG-SDS, 10X, pH 8.3 1L
D0012 Agarose A  5KG
RB0471 RNase A 100mg
401 Proteinase K, 20mg/mL 5mL
A610709 Agarose Tablet, 0.5G X 200 Tablets 100G
LB0568 Lithium carbonate   250g
A00268 10XTBE 1L
D0697 Ethidium bromide [EB], 0.625MG/ml Stock Solution  5ml
D0697 Ethidium bromide [EB], 0.625MG/ml Stock Solution  15mL
D0092 Agarose Tablets , 0.5mg X 600  
BS7235 G 418 sulfate,50mg/ml solution Sterilized 20mL 
PD04352 PBS (Phosphate buffered saline), 100 ml tablets 200T
A00062 Acryl/Bis solution (19: 1), 40% (w/v)  1L
UA00454 TBS buffer (Tris-Buffered Saline), 20x Solution  4L
GDR0244-MBG Guanidine thiocyanate, Dnase,Rnase, Protease Free 1Kg
SB0880 Sodium phosphate, monobasic, monohydrate 500g
DT81419 Eco-BLUE-DNA Dye, ready to use 1ML
DT81419 Eco-BLUE-DNA Dye, ready to use 5X1ML






OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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