
VP PP05-2C/6C/5E 磷酸化蛋白純化試劑盒

VP PP05-2C/6C/5E


PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein Purification Kit





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New Version of IMAC Based Purification Reagent

PhosPRO™ provides a new version of IMAC based purification method and delivers excellent purification result. PhosPRO™ can specifically purify the phosphoprotein from the protein sample by simple process with our proprietary chromatographic technology. PhosPRO™ can also successfully purify phosphoprotein from different biological materials, such as animal, plant, and microorganism, and is suitable for applying quality required analysis.

Special Characteristic

More flexible:PhosPRO™ provides stringent buffer stock for customer to optimize washing condition for their sample and to maximize target phosphoprotein purification result.

More choices:PhosPRO™ series have 2 versions with 2 different packages for different purposes

   a. Pre-packed column package is designed for proteomics research and can purify phosphoprotein within 1 hour. The purified sample can directly be analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis or mass spectrometry.

   b. Evaluation package is designed for phosphoproteomics research and researcher can small scale optimizes suitable chromatographic conditions for the target phosphoprotein.

Product Detail :

Figure 1. Purification efficacy of PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein Purification Kit

 (A) and Brand Q kit (B). Protein standard markers contain glycogen phosphorylase b (GP), bovine serum albumin (BSA), ovalbumin (OVA), carbonic anhydrase (CA), trypsin inhibitor (TI), and lactalbumin (LAC) were used for evaluation. Ovalbumin was the only phosphoprotein in the test material. F: flow through; E: eluent; VisPRO™ 5 minute Protein Stain Kit (VisPRO™) and Pro-Q Diamond stain (Pro-Q, from Invitrogen) were used for developing total proteins or phosphoproteins.

Figure 2. Optimize suitable chromatographic condition with PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein Purification Kit.

Product Detail :



Figure 1. Purification efficacy of PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein Purification Kit

 (A) and Brand Q kit (B). Protein standard markers contain glycogen phosphorylase b (GP), bovine serum albumin (BSA), ovalbumin (OVA), carbonic anhydrase (CA), trypsin inhibitor (TI), and lactalbumin (LAC) were used for evaluation. Ovalbumin was the only phosphoprotein in the test material. F: flow through; E: eluent; VisPRO™ 5 minute Protein Stain Kit (VisPRO™) and Pro-Q Diamond stain (Pro-Q, from Invitrogen) were used for developing total proteins or phosphoproteins.





Figure 2. Optimize suitable chromatographic condition with PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein Purification Kit.

Order Information :

 Cat. No.

 Product Name



 PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein  Purification Kit

Pre-packed column package 2 pre-packed column + 2ml Lysis buffer + 250ml System buffer + 100ml Elution buffer + 100ml stringent buffer stock


PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein Purification Kit

Pre-packed column packag 6 pre-packed column + 2ml Lysis buffer + 250ml System buffer + 100ml Elution buffer + 100ml stringent buffer stock


PhosPRO™ Phosphoprotein Purification Kit

Evaluation package 3ml resin + 2ml Lysis buffer + 250ml System buffer + 100ml Elution buffer + 100ml stringent buffer stock






OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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